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The Clone Wars: Secrets Revealed - Philadelphia, PA

Posted by Paul | December 10, 2010 at 09:48 AM ET

WARNING! SPOILERS APPLY! JTA attended the exclusive screening of The Clone Wars: Secrets Revealed in Philadelphia, PA last night. The event was awesome and we outline some of plot details of the showing as well as a rundown of all the cool swag we got! Click through for more!

Rave Motions Pictures
4012 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

December 9, 2010
7:00 PM

Oh what a night! Early December 2010! JTA staff member Paul Harrison got tickets to the exclusive movie showing of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secrets Revealed. Sponsored by Cartoon Network and Lucasfilm, Ltd., it was a night to remember for sure. The event was free to those that were lucky enough to order tickets and the US Marine Corps was there to accept the toys that they asked attendees to bring to this event. As I entered the theater, I was greeted by Lucasfilm, Ltd. staff and they took my ticket and had a table for some preliminary swag. On the merchandise table were some promotional cards and stickers exclusive to this event. The 501st Legion were also there and had cards of their own. All who attended also received a Savage Opress coupon for free popcorn and soda. We felt like red carpet royalty.

As I entered the movie theater I was greeted by a real life R2-D2 prop (that almost ran me over) but it was awesome to say the least. As the movie premier was about to begin, the Lucasfilm, Ltd. staff initiated a quick trivia game where kids (and adults) could win a Grievous spinning lightsaber from Hasbro as well as a book from Del Rey. This made the kids in the audience extraordinarily happy. The final question was geared to adults: What species is Ahsoka Tano? And the winner of that question received and R2-D2 Droid phone from Verizon Wireless. (Darn it!) Then the anticipation rose to an all-time high in the room as we were about to start watching “Savage Opress”.

The movie was totally engaging and I got instantly lost in it. I was lost in the fact that I didn’t look at my cell phone for the current time or that I couldn’t take my eyes off of the screen. In my best guesstimate, I would say definitely two The Clone Wars episodes made up the film, but maybe three. I am not exactly sure because it was completely seamless and I was so into the story that details like that didn’t exactly matter. In the film we learn about Asajj Ventress’ upbringing. She, like so many other Star Wars characters had a sad childhood and it really helps explain why she is the character she is in The Clone Wars. She and Dooku have a falling out and this is where the plot thickens. (By the way, the Republic Commandos make a cameo appearance in the film and they look incredible. Filoni has shown them great respect.)

Asajj Ventress’ mother has a major role in the film. (And she looks just like the Sith Witch in the Revenge Of The Sith concept art book.) She works with her daughter to find a Zabrak warrior (who after about a dozen, Savage Opress is chosen by her) to interestingly take her place at Count Dooku’s side. But this is only a scheme to get Opress into company with Dooku so he can kill him. (Opress is first and foremost loyal to Ventress and company....or so it initially seems.) In a major plot twist, Savage Opress turns on both Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku, yet this doesn’t enable them to work together. Asajj and Dooku continue to remain at deadly odds. In the interum, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are looking for Opress because he killed two Jedi on a Toydarian-run planet and seek out Asajj’s mother for his whereabouts. (Opress can be compared to Frankenstein's monster running wild, but then his character's anger turns into a longing to become the best Sith warrior and fine tune his deadly Sith art.

It’s impossible at times to tell whose loyalties lie where because Opress, who was almost defeated by the Jedi, also heads back to Asajj’s mother to find out where he can develop his Sith lord skills. And this is the cliffhanger. In her cracked crystal ball, we all see Darth Maul’s head and it appears he is the one who will sharpen Savage Opress’ skills to defeat all he needs to become the most powerful Sith lord in the universe. We are introduced briefly to a few new Jedi and new styled clones in the film. We bet that Hasbro already has them on their radar for potential release. There really wasn’t a boring moment in the film and probably the most comforting news is that Savage Opress is anything but a Darth Maul rip-off. He truly is his own character and we are extremely looking forward to what he will bring to The Clone Wars storyline in the future. And I loved Asajj Ventress’ mother and sisters. Creepy, eerie and witchy are all perfect words to describe them.

At the end of the film we were treated to a trailer of the new episodes coming in January and boy oh boy does it look like the action is coming back big time! And we are seeing more and more Jedi make their debut appearances in the series like Even Piell for example. The trailer was fast and furious so we can’t recall everything we saw, but it looked just like the beginning of the Clone Wars battle in Episode II. As you can imagine, this was very exciting for all that attended. The Clone Wars moves to 8:30 PM starting in January, where all of you will be able to see what we saw now in January! We are invigorated for the show again and we hope that the great storytelling and action continues well beyond January! As we exited the theater we were handed a poster and were given a free T-shirt with Savage Opress on it!




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