You Are Not Alone!
Date: October 05, 2013 at 10:45 PM ET
Topic: Hasbro

It seems that our fellow collecting brothers in Spain are experiencing the same shipping woes from Amazon as the USA. Click through for JTA longtime reader PackoM for his recent experience.


Hi my friends! I’m PackoM, from SPAIN again.

This time, I writte to you to let you know the different shipping methods that Amazon has used with his new exclusives. I was waiting for Tie Interceptor to place my order for Slave I and Interceptor when I noticed that Slave I was shipping in broken boxes and Interceptor was revised too.

When I saw that all was ok, I placed my order and this is what I got: Two different packages: first of them, Slave I in white box but using this one for shipping OVERSEAS!! Result: box damaged and a great hole in the Slave box. Second package: Tie Interceptor in a care white box inside a brown box with all the protections and in perfect shape.

why can’t Amazon do the same for all boxes?

I attached some pictures to you.


This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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