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Anatomy of an Enhanced Visual Guide
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The best Visual Guides on the 'net just got better... ALOT better! JTA is proud to bring you the next evolution in our uniquely styled Visual Guides: Enhanced Visual Guides. We've listened to our viewers comments and suggestions over the years and came up with an interactive Visual Guide format that lets us keep our quick, all-in-one view and screen-friendly size, while offering the interactive ability to zoom to ultra-high resolutions to see all the detail you've been wanting! Now you can identify all those weapons and accessories with even MORE ease (and detail) than before. And, the new Enhanced Visual Guides are watermark free!

While we will go back and replace many of the old guides with the new Enhanced Visual Guides, it will be nearly impossible to replace them all. But from now on all guides will be in the new format. So, to quickly distinguish which guide is enhanced style and which is classic style before you even click, each one will have its own unique hover color.

Classic Visual Guides
will hover in the classic color

Enhanced Visual Guides
will hover blue

Let's take a quick tour of the new Enhanced Visual Guides...

On initial view you will see our familiar, all-in-one guide in it's normal size. However, upon closer inspection you'll noticed the tweaked layout to maximize your visual area, and we also now have a few tools at your disposal...

Now, from within the window you'll have everything you need to identify your target, from the collection it came from to tools that will allow you to zoom and quickly jump to any related or additional guides.

  Zoom In – zoom in to almost 3x the resolution
Zoom Out – zoom back out to view the whole image
Pan – Click and drag to scroll around the zoomed in image
Reset – One-touch reset to return to the full view at any time
Related Guides – Quick access to additional or related Visual Guides

Zoom in to access ultra-high resolution...

Click on the Related Guides tool to bring up even more viewing options...

Now that you know how they work, try them out below for yourself, and compare them to the old style!

Classic Visual Guide
Enhanced Visual Guide

Here are some more samples to enjoy

Hasbro: 30th Anniversary Collection   Hasbro: 30th Anniversary Collection   Hasbro: 30th Anniversary Collection

Hasbro: 30th Anniversary Collection   Sideshow Collectibles   Master Replicas

Hasbro: The Clone Wars   Hasbro: The Clone Wars   Hasbro: The Legacy Collection

Gentle Giant

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Star Wars is a Copyright and Trademark of LucasFilm LTD. This site is intended for informational purposes only, and is not in anyway associated with LFL. All Visual Guides, images, and content are the property of, © 2004-2009 and may not be reused without permission. Please do not direct link to any of the content on this web site. PHP-Nuke Copyright � 2004 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license. Click here for our complete Privacy Policy.