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by: Chuck Paskovics

A Star Wars Expanded Universe Timeline and Guide to Hardback Books and Novels from The Old Republic Era, Rise of the Empire Era, Rebellion Era, New Republic Era, The New Jedi Order Era and Legacy Era.

Looking to put together the ultimate Star Wars hardback library? Here's a guide to help you lay it out from start to finish! From original releases to the hardback SFBC exclusives, this is the place to find it! Please note that some books have multiple releases in hardback, such as the orignal trilogy, and the first release is the only one listed here, with additional cover art listed when you click on the gallery image. But, any version will do to fill that hardback spot! At the bottom of each entry you will find a quick-link to the Wookieepedia page providing detailed information and plot summaries, just in case you want to refresh your memory for that book. Beware though, if you haven't yet read the book, spoilers are present!

On April 25, 2015, Lucasfilm announced that moving forward all Expanded Universe works would be removed from Star Wars canon and now fall under the Star Wars Legends label. From that point on, all new works would be official canon. This guide is broken down into 3 sections:

The Canon Timeline collects only hardback novels falling under the new Star Wars Canon since the April 25th announcement. This reboot cleaned up the entire timeline, with (at the time of the announcement) only the 6 movies and The Clone Wars cartoon (film and television series) now existing as official canon. This rebuilt universe will be closely monitored by the official Star Wars Storygroup.

The Legends Timeline collects only hardback novels falling in the Star Wars Legends category, all works since before the April 25th announcement.

Since the Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy novels are important to the events in this timeline, they are also included with this listing. Canon material should be treated as the true source timeline material. Newer canon material, especially material post-Return of the Jedi, may contradict existing Legends stories. Each title will be appropriately marked as or .

The Release Date Timeline guide represents the complete works of hardback books, both Legends and Canon, listed in the order in which they were published. Each title will be appropriately marked as or .

Additional Reference Material

Del Ray Website – The Star Wars section from the Del Ray Web site.

Star Wars Books – Complete reference site for all Star Wars printed material, including upcoming releases. Timeline – An unofficial timeline containing all published Star Wars media.

Wookieepedia – An encyclopedia for all things Star Wars.


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