The annual Christmas & Holiday sales have begun at Andrew's Toyz! So many new products and savings this holiday season at Andrew�s Toyz. Below is just some of what you will find.
Free Shipping on Master Replicas Force FX Lightsabers: Darth Vader & Anakin Skywalker. And each lightsaber is on sale too! Mace Windu lightsabers are back in stock and now shipping.
Save $70+ on Limited edition lightsabers. Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsabers are only $298.00 each and are going fast! We also have the Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader lightsabers in stock. You can special order the Yoda LE as well.
All new Clone Wars Gentle Giant Maquettes are in stock: Barriss Offee & Luminara Unduli, Anakin Skywalker and General Grievous. And they are all on sale! All mini busts are on sale as well.
Many hard to find exclusives are in stock as well: Covert Ops Trooper, Separation of the Twins, Clone Attack on Coruscant Battle Pack, Wedge Antilles, Mustafar Duel and many others!
The first Saga Collection 2006 assortment �Battle of Carkoon� has recently arrived. These are next year�s figures, in stock and now shipping at Andrew�s Toyz.
To get a free EP3 Darth Vader action figure, all you need to do is fill up your shopping cart with at least $75 of in stock merchandise and use coupon code VADER at checkout.
Everything above and so much more is available at Andrew's Toyz. Don�t forget to see our holiday shipping schedule to make sure your order arrives in time for the holidays. Start shopping at saving at www.andrewstoyz.com