Jodo Kast (BD 18) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2008)
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Solo: A Star Wars Story (Series 1)

Set Details

Release Date: May 25, 2018

Boxes Per Case: 12

Packs Per Box: 24

Cards Per Pack: 8

Set Size: 100 cards

Inserts: 42 cards

Hits: Autograph Cards, Sketch Cards, Patch Cards, Printing Plates

Hobby Box Contents

Hits (Autograph, Sketch, Patch, or Printing Plate): 2

Inserts: 24

Parallels: 24

Insert Sets

Character Stickers (7 Cards)

Icons (7 Cards)

Ships and Vehicles (9 Cards)

Silhouettes (11 Cards)

Smooth Sayings (8 Cards)


Base Set

1 Han Solo

2 Qi'ra

3 Lando Calrissian

4 Chewbacca

5 Beckett

6 Val

7 L3-37

8 Enfys Nest

9 Moloch

10 Stormtrooper

11 Mimban Stormtrooper

12 Range Trooper

13 The Millennium Falcon

14 R2-F1P

15 R2-S8

16 R5-PHT

17 WG-22

18 Saucer Head

19 Argus "Six Eyes" Panox

20 Qi'ra

21 Korso

22 Mimbanese Soldier

23 Pyke Sentinel

24 S1D6-SA-5

25 P4T-GM

26 NP-G1

27 DV-4D4

28 HT-IN-4

29 Han Solo (Corellia)

30 FD3-MN

31 DD-BD

32 Aemon Gremm

33 Dryden Vos' Security Enforcer

34 Aurodia Ventafoli

35 Weazel

36 Han Solo (Mudtrooper)

37 Qi'ra (Vandor-1 Yacht Party)

38 Han Solo (Vandor-1)

39 TIE Fighter Pilot

40 Mimbanese Soldiers

41 Gathered Around the Tables

42 Imperial Patrol

43 Therm Scissorpunch

44 The Nefarious Moloch

45 Speeder Escape

46 Droid Battle

47 Lady Proxima

48 Imperial TIE Fighter Pilots

49 Pyke Sentinel

50 Chewbacca on Vandor-1

51 Dryden's Enforcer Guard

52 Mudtrooper

53 Mimban Stormtroopers

54 Mining Operations Droids in the Control Room

55 Glaucus

56 Six Eyes' Next Move

57 Imperial Occupation

58 Answering to the Empire

59 Trooper on Patrol

60 Imperial Officers Assess the Situation

61 Quay Tolsite

62 Mining Operations Worker

63 Han and The Falcon

64 Qi'ra in the Shadows

65 Battle on the Train

66 The Sophisticated Lando

67 Han Solo and Chewbacca

68 Han Solo's Overlook

69 Meeting with Beckett

70 Qi'ra's Arrival

71 Lando's in the Game

72 Val

73 Han and Beckett

74 Lando's First Mate

75 Showdown with Enfys Nest

76 In the Millennium Falcon

77 Han Solo

78 Lando Calrissian

79 Han and Chewie

80 Han Solo

81 Chewbacca

82 Mimban Stormtrooper

83 Enfys Nest

84 Han Solo

85 Qi'ra

86 Chewbacca

87 Moloch

88 Enfys Nest

89 Imperial Patrol Trooper

90 Saucer Head Concept Art

91 Quay Tolsite Concept Art

92 HT-IN-4 Concept Art

93 Control Room Droid Concept Art

94 Control Room Droid Concept Art

95 DD-BD Concept Art

96 Pyke Sentinel Concept Art

97 Imperial Patrol Trooper (Concept)

98 Range Trooper Concept Art

99 Mimban Stormtrooper Concept Art

100 Korso Concept Art


Base Set Parallels


Yellow (1 per pack)

Black (1:2 packs)

Silver (1:6 packs)


Pink (#/99)

Orange (#/25)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Imperial Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Printing Plates

Black (1/1)

Cyan (1/1)

Magenta (1/1)

Yellow (1/1)


Insert: Character Stickers

CS-1 Han Solo

CS-2 Qi'ra

CS-3 The Galactic Empire

CS-4 Enfys Nest

CS-5 Lando Calrissian

CS-6 Moloch

CS-7 Chewbacca


Insert: Icons

I-1 Han Solo

I-2 The Millennium Falcon

I-3 Lando Calrissian

I-4 Qi'ra

I-5 The Galactic Empire

I-6 Chewbacca

I-7 Enfys Nest


Insert: Ships and Vehicles

SV-1 The Millennium Falcon

SV-2 The Millennium Falcon

SV-3 The Millennium Falcon

SV-4 The Millennium Falcon

SV-5 M-68 Speeder

SV-6 TIE Starfighter

SV-7 330 Swoop Bike

SV-8 C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike

SV-9 AT-Hauler


Insert: Silhouettes

SL-1 Han Solo

SL-2 Chewbacca

SL-3 Lando Calrissian

SL-4 Qi'ra

SL-5 Beckett

SL-6 L3-37

SL-7 Moloch

SL-8 Mudtrooper

SL-9 Range Trooper

SL-10 Stormtrooper

SL-11 Enfys Nest


Insert: Smooth Sayings

SS-1 I Got This

SS-2 Chewie Is My Copilot

SS-3 Just Be Charming

SS-4 We're Doing This My Way

SS-5 Kessel Crew

SS-6 Just Trust Us

SS-7 Smooth & Sophisticated

SS-8 Double-Crossing No-Good Swindler


Patch Cards

Chewbacca Patch

MP-CC Chewbacca

MP-HSC Han Solo


Enfys Nest Patch

MP-EE Mimbanese Soldier

MP-ME Enfys Nest

Han Solo Patch

MP-BH Beckett

MP-CH Chewbacca

MP-ENH Enfys Nest

MP-HSH Han Solo

MP-LCH Lando Calrissian

MP-MH Moloch

MP-QH Qi'ra


Millennium Falcon Patch

MP-HM Han Solo

MP-LH L3-37
MP-LM Lando Calrissian

MP-QC Qi'ra


Moloch Patch

MP-MM Moloch

MP-RM Rebolt

Range Trooper Patch

MP-FR Range Trooper

Stormtrooper Patch

MP-IS Imperial Fleet Trooper

MP-MS Mimban Stormtrooper


MP-SS Stormtrooper
MP-TS TIE Fighter Pilot

Patch Card Parallels

Pink (#/99)

Orange (#/25)

Gold (#/10 (Hobby Box Only)

Imperial Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)


Han Solo Silhouette Patch Card (Target)

TP-CG Chewbacca

TP-HG Han Solo

TP-LCG Lando Calrissian

TP-LG L3-37


Autograph Cards

A-AC Aidan Cook as Aemon Grimm

A-AF Anna Francolini as Imperial Border Guard

A-AJ Andrew Jack, Voice Of Moloch

A-AW Andrew Woodall as Imperial Recruitment Officer

A-DA Derek Arnold as Argus "Six Eyes" Panox

A-DT Dee Tails as Quay Tolsite

A-IK Ian Kenny as Rebolt

A-JS Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca

A-JSC Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca

A-WD Warwick Davis as Weazel


Dual Autograph Cards

DA-JA Andrew Jack / Derek Arnold

DA-JS Andrew Jack / Joonas Suotamo

DA-SA Joonas Suotamo / Derek Arnold

DA-SD Joonas Suotamo / Warwick Davis

Triple Autograph Cards

TA-SDA Joonas Suotamo / Warwick Davis / Derek Arnold

TA-SJA Joonas Suotamo / Andrew Jack / Derek Arnold


Autograph Card Parallels


Pink (#/99)

Orange (#/25)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Imperial Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Single Card Printing Plates (Hobby Box Only)

Black (1/1)

Cyan (1/1)

Magenta (1/1)

Yellow (1/1)

Dual (Hobby Box Only)

Gold (#/5)

Imperial Red (1/1)

Triple (Hobby Box Only)

Imperial Red (1/1)

Sketch Card Artists

Adam Harris

Adam Worton

Aleksandar Gigov

Alex Mines

Allen Grimes

Allysa Pirone

Andrew Fry

Andrew Lopez

Andy Duggan

Anil Sharma

Ashleigh Popplewell

Başak Çetinkaya

Ben AbuSaada

Ben Goddard

Bill Pulkovski

Brad Hudson

Brad Utterstrom

Brandon Blevins

Brandon Pyle

Brendan Purchase

Brent Ragland

Brent Scotchmer

Brett Farr

Caleb King

Carlos Cabaleiro

Carolyn Craggs

Chad Scheres

Charlie Cody

Chris O'Riley

Chris Thorne

Chris Willdig

Clinton Yeager

Dan Curto

Dan Gorman

Darren James

Darrin Pepe

Dave Fowler

David Rabbitte

Dean Drummond

Dennis Gortakowski

Dylan Riley

Eli Hyder

Eric Lehtonen

Eric White

Erik Maell

Erin Lefler

Frank Kadar

Fredd Gorham

Garrett Dix

Gary Rudisill

George Joseph

Gerard Garcia Jr.

Humberto Fuentes Navarro

Huy Truong

Ian MacDougall

Ingrid Hardy

Jamie Cosley

Jamie Richards

Jason Adams

Jason Miller

Jason Sobol

Jay Manchand

Jeff Abar

Jennifer Allyn

Jerry Bennett

Jessica Hickman

Jim O'Riley

John Bruce

John DiBiase

John Pleak

John Still

Jon McKenzie

Jordan Maison

Joshua Bommer

Jude Gallagher

Kaela Croft

Keith Carter

Kevin Cleveland

Kevin Graham

Kevin Hawkins

Kevin Liell

Kris Penix

Kurt Ruskin

Kyle Hickman

Laura Atkinson

Laura Martin

Lee Brown

Lee Hunt

Logan Monette

Louise Draper

Marcia Dye

Mark Stroud

Marsha Parkins

Matt Langford

Matthew Stewart

Mayumi Seto

Michael Mastermaker

Michelle Rayner

Mick and Matt Glebe

Nathan Kennett

Nathan Ohlendorf

Neil Camera

Nicholas Dertinger

Nick Justus

Nolan Dykstra

Norvierto Basio

Omar Salinas

Patricio Carrasco

Phil Hassewer

Phillip Trujillo

Rees Finlay

Rey Paez

Rich Molinelli

Richard Serrao

Robert Hendrickson

Rodney Roberts

Ryan Crosby

Ryan Finley

Ryan Olsen

Ryan Santos

Sammy Gomez

Sebastian Cortez

Shane Garvey

Solly Mohamed

Stephanie Swanger

Steve Fuchs

Thomas Amici

Tina Berardi

Tod Smith

Travis Kinnison

Trent Westbrook

Ward Silverman

Wayne Tully

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