Wave 21
'03 #13 Han Solo (Hoth Rescue) [brown coat] 
'03 #17 Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel) 
'03 #18 Darth
Vader (Throne Room Duel) 
'03 #19 Snowtrooper
(The Battle of Hoth) 
'03 #20 Jango
Fett (Kamino Escape)
'03 #21 C-3PO
(Tatooine Ambush) 
Wave 22
'03 #22 Padmé Amidala (Secret Ceremony) 
'03 #23 Wat
Tambor (Geonosis War Room) 
'03 #24 Coleman
Trebor (Battle of Geonosis) 
'03 #25 Darth
Maul (Theed Hangar Duel)
'03 #26 Princess
Leia (Imperial Captive)
'03 #27 Han
Solo (Flight to Alderaan)
Wave 23
'03 #28 WA-7
(Dexter's Diner) 
'03 #29 Lt.
Faytonni (Coruscant Outlander Club) 
'03 #30 The Emperor
(Throne Room) 
'03 #31 Luke
Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter)
'03 #32 Darth
Vader (Death Star Clash)
Wave 24
'03 #33 Bail
Organa (Alderaan Senator) 
'03 #34 McQuarrie
Concept Stormtrooper (Fans' Choice #4) 
'03 #35 Imperial
Dignitary Janus Greejatus 
'03 #36 Padmé Amidala
(Lars Homestead) w/ Cloak 
'03 #38 Ayy
Vida (Outlander Nightclub Patron) 
'03 #39 Obi-Wan
Kenobi (Outlander Nightclub Encounter) 
'03 #40 Elan
Sleazebaggano (Outlander Nightclub Encounter) 
Wave 25
'03 #37 Achk
Med-Beq (Coruscant Outlander Club) 
'03 #41 Imperial
Dignitary Kren Blista-Vanee 
'04 #01 Hoth
Trooper (Hoth Evacuation) 
'04 #02 R-3PO
(Hoth Evacuation) 
'04 #03 Luke
Skywalker (Hoth Attack) 
Line numbering ('03 #42–'03 #51) continues in our Clone Wars Visual Guide
Wave 26
'04 #04 Luke
Skywalker (Jabba's Palace) 
'04 #05 R2-D2
(Jabba's Sail Barge) 
'04 #06 R1-G4
(Tatooine Transaction) 
Wave 27
'04 #07 Lando
Calrissian (Jabba's Sail Barge) 
'04 #08 Rappertunie
(Jabba's Palace) 
'04 #09 J'Quille (Jabba's Sail Barge) 
'04 #10 Tanus Spijek (Jabba's Sail Barge) 
'04 #11 Holographic Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace) 
Wave 28
'04 #12 General Jan Dodonna (Battle of Yavin) 
'04 #13 Dutch
Vander Gold Leader (Battle of Yavin) 
'04 #14 TIE
Fighter Pilot (Battle of Yavin) 
'04 #15 Captain
Antilles (Tantive IV Invasion) 
Wave 29
'04 #16 Admiral
Ozzel (Executor Assault) 
'04 #17 Dengar
(Executor Meeting) 
'04 #18 Bossk
(Executor Meeting) 
Wave 30
'04 #19 Han
Solo (Endor Strike) 
'04 #20 General
Madine (Imperial Shuttle Capture) 
'04 #21 Lando
Calrissian (Death Star Attack)  |