Leia Organa / Prince Xizor (Shadows of the Empire #5) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2008)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Basic Figures & Vehicles

Movie Heroes

Wave 1

MH01 Shock Trooper

MH02 Super Battle Droid

MH03 R2-D2

MH04 Battle Droid [TPM]

MH05 Darth Maul

MH06 Darth Vader

MH07 General Grievous

MH08 Obi-Wan Kenobi

MH09 Yoda

MH10 Qui-Gon Jinn

MH11 Clone Trooper

MH12 Destroyer Droid

Wave 2

MH04 Battle Droid [AOTC]

MH13 Jar Jar Binks

MH14 Anakin Skywalker

MH15 Darth Maul

MH16 Obi-Wan Kenobi

MH17 Padme Amidala

MH18 Qui-Gon Jinn

Wave 3

MH20 Darth Vader

MH21 Luke Skywalker

Wave 4

MH19 Anakin Skywalker

MH22 Battle Droid

MH23 Sandtrooper

MH24 Boba Fett


The Clone Wars

Wave 1

CW1 Anakin Skywalker

CW2 Clone Trooper (Phase II Armor)

CW3 Savage Opress

CW4 Cad Bane

CW5 Yoda

CW6 Plo Koon

CW7 Clone Command Cody

CW8 Mace Windu

CW9 Chewbacca

CW10 Aqua Droid

Wave 2

CW11 Republic Commando Boss

CW12 Obi-Wan Kenobi

CW13 Captain Rex

CW14 Aayla Secura

Wave 3

CW15 Ahsoka (SCUBA Gear)

CW16 Super Battle Droid (Training Droid)

CW17 Clone Commander Wolffe

Wave 4

CW18 Clone Commander Fox

Discover the Force (Walmart)

1 of 12 Aurra Sing

2 of 12 Darth Maul

3 of 12 Destroyer Droid

4 of 12 G8-R3

5 of 12 Gungan Warrior

6 of 12 Mawhonic

7 of 12 Obi-Wan Kenobi

8 of 12 Qui-Gon Jinn

9 of 12 Ric Olie

10 of 12 Naboo Pilot

11 of 12 Tusken Raider

12 of 12 Yoda


Class I Vehicles

Wave 1

BARC Speeder (with Clone Trooper)

Naboo Royal Fighter (with Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Sith Speeder (with Darth Maul)

STAP (with Battle Droid)

Wave 2

Attack Recon Figher (with Anakin Skywalker)

Republic Assault Submarine (with SCUBA Clone Trooper)

Wave 3

Republic Attack Dropship (with Clone Pilot)


Class II Vehicles

Wave 1

Anakin Skywalker's Podracer

Selbulba's Podracer

Sith Infiltrator

Trade Federation AAT (Armored Assault Tank)

Wave 2

Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

Naboo Starfighter

Republic Fighter Tank


Class III Vehicles

Trade Federation MTT (Multi Troop Transport)


Vehicles (Toys R Us)

Speeder Bike (with Scout Trooper)


Vehicles & Creatures – Discover the Force (Walmart)


Vulture Droid



Battle Packs

Bespin Battle

Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker

Boba Fett


Duel on Naboo

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Darth Maul

Qui-Gon Jinn


Geonosis Arena Battle

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Jango Fett

Battle Droid


Rebel Heroes

Han Solo




Republic Clone Troopers

Clone Trooper Hardcase

Clone Trooper Cutup

Bomb Squad Trooper



Battle Packs (Target)

Darth Maul Returns

Darth Maul


Savage Opress



Battle Packs – Discover the Force (Walmart)

Mos Espa Arena

Anakin Skywalker



Pit Droid 1

Pit Droid 2


Royal Starship Droids






Movie Heroes Two-packs (Target)

Emergence of the Sith

Darth Sidious

Darth Maul

The Rise of Darth Vader

Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker

Multipacks (Toys R Us)

Ewok Pack







Yavin Pilot Pack

Tiree (Gold Two)

Jek Porkins (Red Six)

R5-D8 (Jek Porkins' Droid)

Davish Krail (Gold Five)

Mauler Mithel (Black Two)


Podracer Pilots

Clegg Holdfast

Dud Bolt


Mars Guo

Teemto Pagalies



Online Exclusive

Ultimate Gift Set (104th Battalion "Wolf Pack" Clone Troopers)

Clone Trooper Sinker

Clone Trooper Boost

Clone Commander Wolffe

Plo Koon


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