Snowtrooper (with E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster) - Hasbro - The Power of the Force [Green/Freeze Frame] (1997)
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Crazy Collecting

Sponsor Announcement: Crazy Collecting Weekly Deals

Stop by JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting to check out their latest pre-orders and Weekly Deals. And, don’t forget to use the Code STAYINGPOSITIVE in all caps for 10% off your first order through them.

Posted in Crazy Collecting

Our sponsor Crazy Collecting has launched a new feature: Weekly Deals. Check it out each week for markdowns. Each week will focus on a different property, and this week is, of course, Star Wars to celebrate Star Wars Day

Posted in Crazy Collecting

JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting has the latest pre-orders from both The Vintage Collection and The Black Series, including the N-1 Starfighter, R5-D4, Krrsantan, and more. Click through to see all available items.

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JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting has added the latest pre-orders from the last few weeks to their site. Click through to browse their new additions.

We just launched our Pre-Orders for The Black Series Pyke Soldier individually and for any amazing collector that is looking to Army Build! We also have The Black Series Luke Skywalker & Grogu 2 Pack up for Pre-Order, along with the TVC Cad Bane.

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JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting checks in with their latest in-stock arrival:

I wanted to give your readers a heads-up that we just received a limited amount In Stock of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi Darth Vader 1:6 Scale Mini-Bust by Diamond Select Toys/Gentle Giant. Also, collectors can still use the Code STAYINGPOSITIVE in all caps for 10% off their first order through us.

Visit the product page right here.


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JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting has added the recent Tusken pre-orders from both The Black Series and The Vintage Collection. Click below for direct links!

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JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting has just received a restock of some recent The Black Series waves. Take some time to check out their latest stock, and first-time buyers can enjoy 10% off their entire order.

We got some characters like Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, Omega, Fennec Shand, Ahsoka, and the list goes on! We also have another fantastic opportunity for any amazing collector who is looking to Army Build with Figrin D’an! We still have the Discount code available for any first-time buyers through us that will allow anyone to save 10% off their entire order using the code STAYINGPOSITIVE in all caps.

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Sponsor Update: Crazy Collecting - New TBS and TVC Added

JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting just let us know about some new stock they received. Head over and check out what they have.

We just added The Black Series Aayla Secura from the newest wave, and we received a limited supply of the Previous Walmart exclusive TVC Deluxe Incinerator Trooper and Grogu and The TVC Deluxe Imperial Stormtrooper and E-Web Cannon. We also still have the one-time Discount code available that will allow anyone to save 10% off their entire order using the code STAYINGPOSITIVE in all caps.

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JTA sponsor Crazy Collecting just received the TVC Dark Trooper in stock and ready to ship. Buy them by the singles or buy an 8-pack for a discount. Plus, use code STAYINGPOSITIVE for 10% off your entire order.

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JTA Welcomes New Sponsor Crazy Collecting To The Team!

JTA is happy to announce the addition of our new sponsor Crazy Collecting! Please stop by and check out their full line-up of Star Wars and more! You can use the code CRAZYCOLLECTOR to receive 15% off of your first order, which is good for in-stock AND pre-order items. 

Posted in Crazy Collecting

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