Lando Calrissian (SL23) [Skiff Guard Disguise] - Hasbro - Rebels (2015)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Topps Star Wars Authentics

Star Wars Authentics Cyber Monday Sales

Save up to 50% off Star Wars Authentics autographed photos!
Find deals from signers including Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Felicity Jones, Hayden Christensen, and many more! See all the discounted autographs here.

Save 30% on Star Wars Authentics official photos!
Featuring imagery from across the saga including the classic saga, prequels, animated series, new trilogy and standalone films in 8×10, 11×14 and 16×20 sizes. See the entire official photo collection here.

If you’re in Europe, check out the discounts at ToppsDirect!
A limited selection of Star Wars Authentics autographed photos are available for purchase from the ToppsDirect site and on sale now for Black Friday with discounted prices. These items will ship from England, saving on shipping and taxes for shoppers outside of the US. Check out their range here.

If you’re an eBay loyalist, check out the Topps Vault where we have a selection of Star Wars Authentics autographs at discounted prices available with Buy It Now.

Posted in Topps Star Wars Authentics

More New Rogue One Official Photos at Star Wars Authentics

Check out the latest update from Star Wars Authentics, and click through for a few sample photos…

Star Wars Authentics launched another 40 Rogue One official photos on the Star Wars Authentics site taking our total number of Rogue One photos to over 260! We also added another 30 Resistance photos from episode 6 on Monday and have another 30 coming from episode 7! We’ve now added over 1,800 new official photos to the site over the past 19 weeks!

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New official photos include pics of vehicles like U-Wings, locations like Jedha and Yavin 4, battle scenes like the Battle of Scarif, along with additional character photos of Jyn, Cassian, K-2SO and Darth Vader, plus newly added characters like young Jyn Erso, Rebel pilots and soldiers, and many more! Click through for sample photos and more details

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Star Wars Authentics: New Rogue One Official Photos Added

Star Wars Authentics added another 50 new official photos from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to the Star Wars Authentics site. Check out official photos of new characters, vehicles, and locations including awesome shots from the Battle of Scarif. Click through for details and samples

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Star Wars Authentics just added 30 new official photos from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to our collection along with new photos of the Cloud Riders from Solo: A Star Wars Story. Click through for details!

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Click through for an update from Star Wars Authentics as they add 65 photos to their store from the new animated Star Wars Resistance show.

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Introducing the first official photo collection from Star Wars Forces of Destiny from Star Wars Authentics. Featuring 100 official photos of characters from the new Youtube series Star Wars Forces of Destiny. Click through for additional details and samples

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Do you plan on attending New York Comic Con? Topps and Star Wars Authentics has a great range of activities planned for NYCC next week. Click through for all of the details.

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Topps Authentics just added another 80 new photos to the site from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Click through for a few samples and details

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To celebrate the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story on digital home video, Star Wars Authentics has two big product releases. Check out new autographs from Sam Witwer, the voice of Maul from Solo, available on the Star Wars Authentics site. Click through for more new updates and to get a 10% off discount code.

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Here’s the latest update from Star Wars Authentics…

Star Wars Authentics just added a very exciting new item to our lineup – autographed Funko Pop figures featuring Adam Driver as Kylo Ren! We have two different autographed Funko Pop figures – one from The Force Awakens featuring cloaked Kylo Ren and one from The Last Jedi featuring the character unmasked. Each Funko Pop is autographed by Adam Driver, sequentially numbered, has the Star Wars Authentics hologram guaranteeing authenticity, and is sealed in a protective case.

Each figure also comes with a corresponding collectible Topps Funko Star Wars trading card sequentially numbered to match the figure.

You can find them on sale now here:

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Another round of photos added to Topps Authentics, this time from Attack of the Clones

New photos include shots of Anakin, Padme, Count Dooku, Zam Wesell, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Mace Windu, Palpatine, Yoda and more! We’ll have 100 new Solo photos (and a new autograph signer) going live on 9/14.

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Posted in Topps Star Wars Authentics

New Star Wars: The Last Jedi Photos at Star Wars Authentics

Check out the latest update from Topps Authentics…

We just added 100 new official photos from Star Wars: The Last Jedi to the Star Wars Authentics site. New images include action scenes from the movie and new images of Luke, Rey, Kylo, Finn, Holdo, Snoke, Poe, Leia, DJ, Rose and many more!

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Posted in Topps Star Wars Authentics

Save big this Labor Day weekend with discounts on Star Wars Authentics autographs and official photos! Buy One Get One 50% Off* on Star Wars Authentics autographed photos!

Valid on the full range of autographs including Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Felicity Jones, Hayden Christensen, dual-signed autographs and many more!

* the Second autograph must be of equal or lesser value.

Posted in Topps Star Wars Authentics

Star Wars Authentics is offering a special Gift with Purchase… Make a $49.99 or higher autograph order and you will receive an exclusive 5-card Topps Star Wars trading card set. Each set contains five cards featuring scenes from the original classic Star Wars: A New Hope and is sequentially numbered to 50.

There are only 50 sets total. Each qualifying order will include one trading card set. You can start shopping for Star Wars Authentics autographs here.

Posted in Topps Star Wars Authentics

Father’s Day is less than two weeks away! Haven’t gotten a gift for dad yet? No worries – Star Wars Authentics has some fantastic deals on autographs and photos! This week only – Save 30% on all official Star Wars photos!


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Mark from Topps Star Wars Authentics shares the latest news for autograph fans…

Over 70 photos from Star Wars: The Last Jedi are now live on the Star Wars Authentics site available for purchase. These new images from the film include a mix of character shots, vehicles, and scenes. They are available in 8×10, 11×14, and 16×20 and print on glossy Kodak professional paper. These are perfect for your personal collection or to get signed at an upcoming convention. Click through for the rest of the update…

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