Hrchek Kal Fas is a Saurin droid trader who frequents Chalmun’s cantina when he’s on Tatooine. He saw a report about two “lost” droids and tried to follow C-3PO when the protocol droid left the cantina, but lost him in the busy streets.
Hrchek Kal Fas the Mini-Me of
Bossk? It almost seems as if Hasbro would like
to think so. Fans have waited years for Hrchek
Kal Fas to grace the pegs of retail and while
the figure looks great as it is, there are some
inconsistencies in the action figure which aren’t
faithful to the film (at all). First, he is barefoot!
Obviously utilizing artistic license as radically
as Kenner did in the late seventies for the Cantina
patrons of that time, (flippers for Walrusman,
a teal blue shell for Hammerhead, et. al.), Hasbro
neglects the space boots in favor of a more organic
appearance. While it looks pretty good on the
figure, it isn’t authentic. Hasbro did
replicate the hands very well and they have the
five digits on each. This is one of the details
that sets apart the Saurin from the Transdoshans.
(Transdoshans have four digits on each hand.)
Hrchek Kal Fas also fails in the “eye” department.
Another example of appearing to imitate Bossk
a bit, his eyes have been colored in bronze with
two tiny black pupils in the center of them.
Saurin have completely black eyes without any
pupils (and all you need to do is look at the
picture on the card back to see this). Hasbro
has claimed that a running change is already
in effect to fix this but only time will tell
if it hits the shelves. We are honestly a little
defeated in our hope to see this change come
to fruition and will have to wait and see. After
all the other promises made by Hasbro, forgive
us if we are weak in our excitement here. But
we do hope this change does indeed come. We question
if the update will be made because if Hasbro
cannot master adding a running change of an army
building action figure in the line, how will
they possibly communicate a fine painting mistake
and fix it? We want to be hopeful and not so
skeptical but we just don’t know. We will
be sure to update you if it does happen. Speaking
of his eyes (and face), we urge you to check
the samples you buy because we had to pass on
about five before we found eyes that were painted
evenly and chins that weren’t scraped.
Typically, many of the first batches of figures
tend to have sloppier paint jobs than later cases.
Quality control must be able to make fine tweaks
in the middle of the run so we believe our ‘good’ sample
came from a later batch. Hrchek Kal Fas clearly
falls some where within the scale of Zutton and
Takeel so he is shorter than many other cantina
patrons (but definitely not as small as Kabe).
Hasbro nailed his height excellently and he looks
great next to the bar sections.
Kal Fas is an awesome alien! While you know that
he isn’t perfect, he does have it where
it counts. Known as a droid trader, it fits in
well that his action figure representation is
included with a droid part! Fully super-articulated,
his 14 points allow for a very wide range of
movement. Hrchek has long arms (in comparison
to his frame) and they can be posed in very alarming
ways (no doubt due to his nails and spread out
fingers). His skin color has been given a paint
job of the finest caliber and it is complemented
with his very casual outer wear. If you can find
a sample of him with a good paint job on his
head, you will be thoroughly impressed. On top
of a beautiful outer skin that has been made
so lifelike and realistic, the inside of the
mouth has been painted in pink and every tooth
is accounted for by being painted white. How
Hasbro managed to do this so well is fascinating.
His lower jaw is made form a slightly softer
plastic than the rest off him, so you can give
his mouth some movement if you want. Not something
we would have asked for, but it is just a little
extra Hasbro decided to include (and it works).
He has a green shirt with a dramatically darkened
yellow (or tan) vest. These pieces of apparel
are then complemented by dark gray pants that
fall beneath his knee at which point you can
see his scaly and lizard-like lower legs. He
really does look fantastic and Chalmun’s
Cantina enthusiasts will undoubtedly eat him
up. Hrchek comes with a cantina bar glass (one
of the best designed we have seen and one that
is also included with Leesub Sirln) and a blaster
pistol that will fit perfectly into his functioning
holster. Don’t expect him to hold the blaster
in his hands however. The right hand has been
designed to hold the glass (and we are actually
quite happy about this) and his left hand has
all of the fingers spread apart, so the best
place to put the gun is in the holster. This
is absolutely alright with us. How many cantina
patrons besides Greedo waved their blasters at
other patrons while in the cantina? (Not too
many – so we are very impressed with the approach
Hasbro took with this figure.) Hrchek is
action figure making at its finest and this is
solely based on the final product in the bubble
on the card back and not a measure of how authentic
he is to the film costume.
has been kind to collectors by adding two to
three new cantina aliens (or more) every year
into the line since 2005. All of them are holding
up very well as time moves forward and we expect
that Hrchek will be another example of a classic
action figure that won’t need a revisit
(unless they want to fix their errors). Hrchek
was clearly made with exacting and high standards
and we believe he is one of the better cantina
aliens we have received. While 2007's TAC Elis Helrot (30 23) was
perhaps one of our favorites, he suffered from
a stance that was too wide. Hrchek Kal Fas does
not have this issue at all and he can be posed
pretty much any way you want him to in fact.
Versatility to stand or sit or form into an action
pose are all of the options we want for our Star
Wars action figures to have and this figure has
it all. We never get tired of the same old “good” things
including excellent sculpts, brilliant paint
jobs and likenesses that are dead ringers for
the actor or costumes that played our favorite
Star Wars characters. Hrchek Kal Fas scores high
marks in most of these areas and while he does
have some issues, they are not enough to detract
from how awesome this action figure is. Indeed
we would have preferred utter and complete authenticity,
but this version is going to have to hold us
over for a while. And it won’t work that
hard to make us feel that way. Hrchek Kal Fas
serves his purpose very well. Besides, we are
much more desperate to see the likes of Ponda
Baba and Dr. Evazan updated and upgraded in favor
of the more background aliens that populated
the cantina or correction of already great figure. (Editor's Note: Both Ponda Baba (Walrus Man) and Dr. Evazan (Cantina Patron) have received glorious updates in The Vintage Collection.) We are not sure if you see it the same way, but
there is no denying that Hrchek Kal Fas has made
a big splash in the basic action figure line.
Collector Notes
Hrchek Kal Fas
Status: Hrchek Kal Fas is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 22 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: blaster, bar glass
Original Droid Factory/Build A Droid Part: R4-P44 body
Date Stamp: 2009
Assortment Number: 91422/87535
UPC: 653569430278
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on