Biker Scouts patrol the forest of Endor. The Imperial scouts fly speeder bikes through the dense forest, guarding the shield generator that protects the second Death Star. They are highly skilled troopers who mount a strong resistancce when a small band of Rebels launches an attack to disable the generator.
So, you’re probably asking yourself did Star Wars collectors really need another Biker Scout. We probably didn’t. But each time Hasbro tackles what we had deemed as a definitive figure, they go and do something even better to it to blow the previous version out of the running. The 2006 VTSC Bike Scout figure really changed how collectors viewed this character in the basic figure line. The packaging clearly was a huge part of that figure’s success, but so was he sculpt and deco. Hasbro then used the sculpt a few more times, even retooling parts for various releases, but the next time this figure made it into the basic figure lineup was in 2009’s Legacy Collection. Released as Biker Scout (BD12), Hasbro just improved upon the deco a bit more and this became the definitive version of the Biker Scout/Scout Trooper for the next few years. All of that changed with the release of 2012’s SW [TPM 3D] Speeder Bike With Scout Trooper which was released as a Toys R Us exclusive. It brought all of the fine parts from the 2006 VTSC Biker Scout and then added new splendor to create the consummate Biker Scout/Scout Trooper action figure – despite some deco issues.
That figure has been tweaked a little bit and added to The Black Series line. But it was originally planned for the Legacy Collection [2] line before getting canceled. However, the Biker Scout is now available (and it depends upon your definition of available) in the manner he was originally planned: The Legacy Collection [2} Droid Factory line. In May of 2015, retailer Go! Games & Toys, part of Calendar Holdings, began getting these figures in small numbers. This was a huge surprise, because collectors were under the assumption that they never were produced. Now these figures comes to us once again, but in a way that is exciting because of our general love for this pack-in premium. It was great to get another chance at this pack-in figure. It is truly the most definitive version of the Biker Scout available to collectors. With an incredible 26 points of articulation (the Biker Scout has a double ball-socket head joint), the inclusion of premium ball-jointed hips has done a great deal to an already excellent sculpt and offers a range of movement not often seen in the 3.75" basic figure line. You’ll have a blast posing the Biker Scout in every which way possible. He can truly attain almost any position you desire.
In The Black Series line, Biker Scout saw a running change variation. The Legacy Collection [2] figure has this same error. These error Biker Scout figures have black straps that connect the pouches while others have the strap detail missed and it remains white like the pouches. It's unfortunate that Hasbto made this blatant painting error on the figure, but the figure is so good that hopefully you can overlooked this "added" detail. Admittedly, the Biker Scout is a “boring” addition to an inaugural new line look of Star Wars action figures. That's quite a hypocritical statement, but it's just that we have received this character so many times before that he is getting old. Many may miss out on the best version of him because of the overabundance of the figure in the basic figure line. To put it bluntly, Hasbro has been there and done that. A release like the Biker Scout would be best reserved for a repack and repaint wave. Or maybe that’s exactly what the first wave of The Black Series and/or Legacy Collection [2] is/was. Hopefully Hasbro has great and more exciting characters in store for the basic figure line because so far the reception from Star Wars fans currently is lukewarm at best. If you’re a one of everything collector, clearly this one is for you. But if you’re passing on this one, hopefully you will get reacquainted with the Star Wars line from the figures in the next wave.
Collector Notes
Biker Scout
Status:Status: Biker Scout is a pre-pack of 2013's TBS [P1] Biker Scout (#07) figure. This figure is from the canceled Legacy Collection [2] line originally planned to run in place of The Black Series basic figure line.
Articulation Count: 26 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: double ball-socket head (2), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: blaster pistol
Date Stamp: 2012
Assortment Number: A2343/A0881
UPC: 653569799160
Retail: $19.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.