Anakin is a Jedi Commander during the Clone Wars and frequently displays reckless heroism in battle and daring maneuvers in starfighter combat. Battling secret fears, he chafes under the restriction of the Jedi Order.
back in 2005 when we got our very first Evolutions set (2005's ROTS Anakin
Skywalker To Darth Vader set) and we couldn't believe how
awesome it was? At the time we didn't think Hasbro could do much better. Three super-artculated and/or highly articulated action figures in a three-pack where all three figures shared a recurring theme. It was amazing then and it holds up remarkably
well now. So it makes sense that we see figures from these packs time and again in various basic figure lines. Hasbro has decided that the Episode II Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Hero)
figure from the set is a mainstay in the basic figure line
and we have to agree that it's a great, albeit imperfect, choice. It has a little way to go before we'll call it definitive. Anakin Skywalker is based on his appearance
from Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones and the figure
has seen quite a few releases after its initial release. Now he gets carried-forward in the second red phase of the Legacy Collection. This figure
is a fantastic choice to help round out the Return Of The Jedi wave of the Build A Droid line because of its beautiful sculpting and
the need to bring another Anakin Skywalker to the basic figure
line. When we think about it, there couldn't have been a
better choice selected than this figure! And the timing could
not have been better. Anakin is a figure that already meets
the modern day action figure standards and it helped provide
a main character to a wave of figures that were essentially
collector-focused. Collector figures are wonderful, but they
won’t necessarily appeal to the kids, so Hasbro must
ensure that main characters are in the same case assortments
as the secondary characters.
For all
intents and purposes, Anakin Skywalker is a simple repack
of the Evolutions figure, although the most discriminating
collectors may notice slight color differences and variations.
We will say it is the same figure however for ease of this
review because for all intents and purposes it is the same.
He is a part of six repacked figures that were added to a remix case of wave 2 (or wave 9 if you go back to TLC) figures in the red phase of the Legacy Collection.
Initially, Hasbro decided to do away with the confusing GH numbering
system. But starting with 2008's TLC Clone
Trooper (327th Star Corps) (BD 29) figure, the GH has been dropped and now all carry-forward figures are part of the BD numbering system. The basic line is in need
of easy repacks and they should be part of the big picture
and not isolated into a sub-collection (in the basic figure
line no less). Hasbro decided to continue with adding these “greatest
hits” figures
seamlessly into the basic line and the same is true for this
wave of figures. So if you need certain droid part and are only into
main characters, Hasbro has made it a bit easier for you
to find it since more popular figures have been packed with
the same parts. And if you are not into all of the "main" choices that were intended to be the stars of the waves, then these
repacks are excellent secondary choices instead. We think
this was a nice touch for the wave because we could have
gotten another other figures that have been re-released so many times already. Hasbro decided to change it up a bit and it's truly
refreshing to get some new character choices on the shelves!
(And it is even cooler when Hasbro selects candidates that
fit in with the theme of the wave at hand as well – but this doesn't always work out so nicely necessarily.
Anakin Skywalker is almost super-articulated (just lacking ankle joints)
and he comes with his signature lightsaber, lightsaber hilt,
and cybernetic hand attachment. Hasbro decided to eliminate
the chain (from the Battle of Geonosis scene) that originally
came with the 2005 Revenge Of The Sith Evolutions figure. The chain is not
entirely necessary and we think that the omission is fine.
It gives Anakin a cleaner appearance and the collector doesn’t
become sensory overloaded with accessory choices, although not all see eye to eye with that opinion. In our opinion, Anakin
comes with just the right amount of accessories for a basic
carded figure release. It is our opinion to leave the multiple
accessories to Battle
Packs or other collecting mediums.
Overall, Anakin Skywalker
is the perfect welcomed addition to the basic figure line
and it is really something to see him as a basic figure for
the first time! If you are not a fan of reissues, then this
figure is not for you, but we think you will find it a necessary
purchase if you are either a loose or carded collector or
both. It is very cool to have this version of Anakin Skywalker
on a basic card. We don't exactly know why this is true because we
have seen him more than a few times now, but he just looks awesome
this way. We give kudos to Hasbro for choosing an excellent and "outside of the box"
figure for a repack. We will continue enjoying seeing Hasbro release their "cream of the crop" in the basic figure line. Repacks are necessary. And this is the way to do it! We'd love to see Hasbro address this version of Anakin Skywalker again and correct the issues this one has, but if they don't this is a fine release nonetheless.
Collector Notes
Anakin Skywalker
Status: Anakin Skywalker is a straight repack of 2009's TLC Anakin Skywalker (BD 50) figure (which is a slight repaint of the figure from 2005's ROTS Anakin Skywalker To Darth Vader Evolutions set.
Articulation Count: 18 points (12 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2)
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: lightsaber, lightsaber hilt, interchangeable cybernetic right arm
Original Droid Factory/Build A Droid Part: R3-M3 dome/third leg
Date Stamp: 2009
Assortment Number: 87984/87535
UPC: 653569414476
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.