Clone Trooper Jek is part of a team that is ambushed by battle droids on Rugosa. He doesn't believe his small group can succeed against the heavily armed droids, but Yoda shows him that his mind is also a powerful weapon and can be used to out-think the droids.
Hasbro is still trying
to play catch up with The Clone Wars series. Even after almost
two years into the property Hasbro is still releasing character from
the first season. Of course it would make sense that we will see "older"
characters peppered throughout the current line because The Clone
Wars series is as diverse as the films. And at a rate
of four to five figures in a wave, it will obviously take some time to
get all the great characters out to us in action figure form. Wookieepedia describes Jek as follows: "A loyal yet laconic clone trooper, Jek preferred
to let his Z-6 rotary blaster do the talking. Jek used his weapons as
an outlet, due to the quiet confines of Senate and diplomatic escort
duty. In battle he used a variety of weaponry, including a Z-6
rotary blaster cannon, a blaster
rifle, thermal
detonators, grenade and
missile launcher. Yoda advised Jek that his most powerful weapon
was his mind, and not the hardware that he lugged around, a lesson that
struck a chord with the clone. Jek
had a shaved head unlike many of his clone brothers. He appeared to be
good friends with Rys." A rather bland description, the action figure
complements his personality quite well.
Clone Trooper Jek isn't
really a "new" figure. But then again, how many different sculpts do we really expect Hasbro to tool for The Clone Wars toy line? This figure actually first came to us in the Walmart exclusive Screen
Scenes assortment, but Hasbro wanted to get him out as intended as a basic figure in the main line. Slight paint application differences exist between
them but for all intents and purposes, they are basically the same figure.
The figure comes carded to us with very clean armor. If you look at the
stills from The Clone Wars episode, you will see that he should
be wrought with quite a bit of dirt. This si nothing new with our The
Clone Wars figures and we have unfortunately become accustomed
to the very clean paint operations. This works against Jek because he
then looks like a plain clone trooper. And not that having another plain
clone trooper is a bad thing, he should stand out a bit more since he
has a specific name. Instead, he looks like any other clone trooper with
red color flash markings. Jek looks great amongst the other "red" styled
clone troopers, but we don't think there is anything particularly intriguing
about him.
Showing up in the very
first episode of The Clone Wars television show, Clone Trooper
Jek should have been more memorable. But to be honest, we didn't even
pay attention to him until he was first released in the Walmart exclusive
two-pack first and then later as this basic figure. But that's how many charcaters become special to Star Wars collectors. Their personalities often resonate via the collectibles made of them. Clearly a figure
that is intended to help pad case assortments, Jek is ultimately more of an obligatory
purchase than a necessary one. He's part of the Coruscant Guard which is made up of clones that are popular with fans of the show already. It will be interesting to see how his role is developed in the television show. Will he remain working alongside Yoda? Will he play a pivotal role in the Clone Wars? Clone Trooper Jek may not seem too exciting of an action figure gauged by our comments. But it is a pretty cool action
figure. We're just not so sure why Hasbro would release him so closely to the release of the Screen Scenes set. It is something that just perplexes us. If we had one complaint, we would have wished that Hasbro gave the figure a little more dirt on the armor.
Collector Notes
Clone Trooper Jek
Status: Clone Trooper Jek is a repaint of the figure from 2009's TCW [S2] Yoda & Clone Trooper Jek Screen Scenes (2 of 2) Walmart exclusive two-pack.
Articulation Count: 25 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 6
Accessory Details: removable helmet, 2 DC-17 blaster pistols, bandolier, chain gun, projectile
Date Stamp: 2008
Assortment Number: 91280/87638
UPC: 653569426004
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on