Squid Head - ROTJ - Basic

Added: October 24th 2018
Category: Return Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

Squid Head

Detailed Visual Analysis

Squid Head

General Analysis

While so many of Jabba's palace denizens looked incredibly rough around the edges with their antique armor and weaponry, Squid Head possessed what we could describe as a modern elegance; refined and put together stately. Squid Head was another one of my most favorite characters from RETURN OF THE JEDI. It seemed that the less I knew about the character, the more I fell in love with him or her as a child. What I remember the most about Squid Head was enjoying how many layers existed in his outfit. From the soft-goods cape and skirt to the large-banded belt, Squid Head enjoyed what so few vintage Kenner Star Wars figures did at the time: multiple accessories. In a peculiar move, Kenner took the overused Bespin blaster and cast it in gray-colored plastic. This revised blaster became Squid Head's signature weapon. Always beautifully ornamenting any Jabba The Hutt diorama I created, Squid Head stood out from the rest of the Jabba aliens, and I distinctly remember the joy he brought in my childhood collection. Seen both in Jabba's palace and Jabba's sail barge, this background character has a little more prominence than other aliens in RETURN OF THE JEDI. Perhaps it is the reason why it's one of my favorites. The sculpt has held up well throughout the years, and although Hasbro tooled a lovely version of him in the POWER OF THE JEDI line, I still think we need an all-new definitive sculpt.

Hasbro's Most Definitive Modern Counterpart: 2001's POWER OF THE JEDI Tessek figure.

Collector Notes

Name: Squid Head

Collection: Return Of The Jedi

Source: Return Of The Jedi

Release: 1983

Status: Squid Head is an all-new figure.

Assortment: No. 70770


Retail: $2.99 USD

Alternate Card Art Details:

• Squid Head

• Trilogo

• Character name pill and figure backer are red.

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Figure Release Information

Major Figure Variations (loose): None

U.S. Card Back Release Information (confirmed to exist)

  1. ROTJ-65A
  2. ROTJ-65C
  1. ROTJ-77A
  2. ROTJ-77B

U.S. Card Back information derived from the Kellerman Book Matrices and confirmed samples

Research Droids Data Analysis

This review comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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