"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."
The adventure continues with this exciting introduction of figures from the Star Wars trilogy! Each figure is authentically styled with incredible detail and is fully poseable.
Han, Chewbacca and Luke are captured by the Ewoks in the forests of Endor.
With each successive line look transition during The Power Of The Force “2” era, the products Hasbro/Kenner made got better and better. This is especially true for the Action Collection line. Likenesses improved. Clothing became more fitted. And the interactive accessories paired with the figures upgraded in practicality and interactivity. Not all of the figures released in the The Power Of The Force "2" line later years saw these upgrades, but many others did. And the Han Solo from The Power Of The Force “2” [FlashBack/CommTech] line was an example of how far the line had come. Han Solo, which is based on the Han Solo (In Trench Coat) iteration of him from Return Of The Jedi might be one of Kenner’s/Hasbro’s finest efforts. It has a great likeness and a screen-accurate costume. Part of a wave that focuses on characters from Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, Han Solo might be the shining star of this wave of Action Collection 12 Inch Figures. He looks rather fantastic.
The detail etched into the Han Solo Action Collection 12 Inch Figure is quite impressive. Keeping in mind that these Action Collection 12 inch Figures are toys first and collectibles second should allow you to forgive the shortcomings of the sculpt. The portraits on these figures can be hit or miss, but most do resemble the onscreen actors. Han Solo takes this approach to a more elevated plateau by including many details of Harrison Ford’s face into account. The hair color and eye color all look wonderful. And the actor’s square and boxy head shape are exaggerated here, but accurately reflected. Perhaps most impressive is the newly woven outfit. The vest, undershirt, and pants all fit like a glove and close to the figure’s frame. But the greatest example of his clothing fitted so well is the trench coat. They sewed in an elastic strip which helps it to bunch up close to the upper body. And the length of the coat is not as wide, so it hangs closer to the body as well. Fully clothed, Han Solo looks incredible.
The accessories included with Han Solo are pretty awesome too. For the first time, we get magnetic detonators he used to blow up the bunker and all related technology to take down the Death Star II’s shield generator. They come with real magnets implanted into them, so they’ll attach to any metal surface to which they attract. They’re painted nicely with red and green flashes of color, but the base colors of silver and gray are nicely applied too. They don’t fit into his cupped hands as we’d hoped. But if you pose his wrists where the palms are out and open, you can slide the edge of the magnetic detonator into his fingers, and he’ll hold it as needed. The last accessory included is his signature blaster pistol. Again, his hands don’t welcome the blaster all that well, but with a little patience, you can make it work. The blaster pistol can stay housed in his holster/belt combination when not in use, and that’s a feature we always love to see implemented in the 12 Inch Figures line.
Collector Notes
Han Solo
Status: Han Solo is an all-new figure
Articulation Count: 18 points (13 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), swivel right bicep (1), hinge-jointed left arm (1), hinge-jointed right arm (1), swivel left hand (1), swivel right hand (1), ball-socket torso (2), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), hinge-jointed left knee (1), hinge-jointed right knee (1)
Accessory Count: 10
Accessory Details: trench coat, shirt, pants, left boot, right boot, vest, holster/belt combination, blaster, 2 magnetic detonators
Date Stamp: 1998
Assortment Number: 57139/57135
UPC: 076930571385
Retail: $19.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on