Teebo (Ewok) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ROTJ02)

Added: September 16th 2020
Category: Black Series [Phase IV], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

Name: Teebo (Ewok)
Collection: The Black Series [Phase IV]
Number: ROTJ02
Scale: 6"
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: September 2020
License: Hasbro

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An Ewok scout, Teebo sounded the horn summoning the Ewoks to fight the Stormtroopers during the Battle of Endor.

Hasbro won’t give Luke Skywalker (Bespin) or Han Solo (Bespin) their correct name subtitles, but they decide to clarify what type of species Teebo is with the name Teebo (Ewok). What in the heck is going on at Hasbro? It’s like saying Luke Skywalker (Human) or Chewbacca (Wookiee). They’d never do that (we hope), so why do it to an Ewok? For unknown reasons, Hasbro chose Teebo (Ewok) to begin their rabbit hole into the world of Bright Tree Village. We’re not criticizing their choice of Teebo (Ewok), but we have to admit it is a bit of a bizarre decision. It seems as if Wicket, Chief Chirpa, or Logray would be the knee-jerk characters to attack first. No matter the decision, Teebo (Ewok) turned out brilliantly well. We don’t believe it is a perfect figure, but everyone who collects 6” figures will most likely find favor with it. With a decent likeness, thanks to Photo Real, Teebo (Ewok) provides one specific look of the Ewok from Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi. I case you’re not aware, Teebo is one of the few Ewoks to experience an outfit change halfway through the Battle of Endor. And thank goodness 3.75” collectors have both headdresses and all of the accessories needed to finish the outfits.

We’re envious the most when it comes to Teebo (Ewok) ’s head sculpt. 3.75” super-articulated collectors got cheated when Hasbro released the 2012 SW [TPM 3D] Ewok Pack. Hasbro tooled an all-new “vicious” head sculpt for Teebo, but Lucasfilm licensing didn’t approve it. You can see the “canceled” new head sculpt on the back of the packaging. Instead, Hasbro repainted the head sculpt of 2011’s TVC Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) (VC55). And collectors to this day still haven’t gotten over this tragedy. That’s neither here no there now, and it’s time to look at the magic Hasbro brought to the table with The Black Series [Phase IV] Teebo (Ewok) (ROTJ02) figure. The tooling of figure is beautiful, but they designed the fur with a strange texture. It feels like your skin gets stuck to its abrasiveness, almost like fine sandpaper. We don’t recall getting a figure having a surface like this before, but it creates an authentic aesthetic of real fur. Teebo (Ewok) comes with a decent amount of articulation. It’s notably less than most other figures in The Black Series 6” line, but Hasbro didn’t hold back adding a generous amount of articulation for this Ewok to achieve a wealth of action poses.

Another positive aspect of Teebo (Ewok) is the number of accessories. We count seven, and they include a removable boar’s head headdress, necklace, a cross-strapped battle horn, a removable sheath (that attaches to the side of one of the straps) with a knife, a hatchet, and a spear. It’s nice to see the spear again, something that Hasbro excluded since 2002’s POTJ Teebo figure. Teebo (Ewok) used it to poke Han Solo (In Trench Coat) when he didn’t comply, and the super-articulated version of the action figure didn’t come with it either. Unfortunately, Hasbro neglected to include the alternate headdress/cowl that serves more like a hood than anything else. 1984's ROTJ Teebo figure came with the shortened headdress too.Teebo utilized this variant head covering in the film, and Hasbro caught it for all previous modern versions. Unfortunately, this figure only comes with one of the headdresses/cowls, and Teebo (Ewok) feels incomplete because of it. The paint operations a beautiful on this figure. They found a way to recreate the aesthetics of fur beautifully. There aren’t any harsh lines, but a gradient blending of light gray and dark gray. Hasbro approached this figure correctly. We hope to see a lot more Ewoks released in the 6” line. Paploo is part of an exclusive, but there are so many other characters to tackle.

Collector Notes

Teebo (Ewok)

Status: Teebo (Ewok) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 24 points (15 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2) ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 7

Accessory Details: headdress, necklace, battle horn with cross-strap, sheath, knife, hatchet, spear

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E9361/E8908

UPC: 5010993749201

Retail: $19.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Black Series [Phase IV] Wave 1

Admiral Ackbar (ROTJ01)

Clone Trooper (Kamino) (TCW01)

Darth Vader (TESB01)

Imperial Stormtrooper (TM02)

Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder) (TESB02)

The Mandalorian (TM01)

Teebo (Ewok) (ROTJ02)

This review comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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