Elite Corps Clone Trooper
combat on kashyyyk
led by: commander gree
battle: droid forces
part of: grand army of the republic
The specialized troopers in the 41st Elite Corps are deployed on the beach of Kashyyyk to battle droid forces invading from the water. Swarms of droids overrun the beach but the elite troopers hold them back, supporting their Republic leaders… until the Emperor orders the corps’ commander to execute Order 66.
It’s inevitable that when Hasbro creates the Repack & Repaint waves that the figures that come out of them will have some inaccuracies. Such is true for the Elite Corps Clone Trooper which is a rework of the 2006 VTSC Biker Scout. It’s an extremely likeable action figure, but don’t expect it to be an accurate portrayal of the Kashyyyk Troopers (also knows as Swamp Troopers) we witnessed in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. It might be easier to consider this action figure a camouflaged Biker Scout because, well, that’s exactly what it is. Let’s make it clear right off of the bat that we love this figure for what it is, but we also want to know why Hasbro ignored options that would have made this figure a little bit more screen accurate. For example, in the 2005 ROTS line, Hasbro made a rather static BARC Trooper (which was actually a very accurate Kashyyyk Trooper) with the BARC Speeder With BARC Trooper vehicle set. We wonder why Hasbro couldn’t have simply taken the head from this figure and placed it on the VTSC figure. One of the most glaring differences between these two figures is the head sculpt and this would have made a huge difference.
The Elite Corps Clone Trooper is part of the 41st Elite Corps under the direction of Commander Gree. There uniform is nearly the same as the Biker Scouts/Scout Troopers we saw in Episode VI, but there are enough differences as well to make them unique. Hasbro did a pretty good job on the complicated camouflage pattern, but we think overall the figure is too light (again, when comparing it to the clone troopers we saw in Episode III). A much darker base color was required to make these troopers more faithful to the film. We understand that figures part of a Repack & Repaint wave get “back burner” treatment in the basic figure line. And we don’t want to mislead you. We would make a case for this action figure that he is a lot of fun and will serve a purpose under your Commander Gree figure. It’s just that we analyze details too much (to our detriment) and we want accuracy over instant gratification (getting the figure into the line as soon as possible). And it seems as if many other collectors aren’t that concerned with its accuracy because it has sold very quickly. Collectors will be interested to know that the visor was changed in mid run and the figure can be found with a light green or darker green visor. The difference are negligible however and it's easy to miss if you're not looking for it.
We absolutely do not fault Hasbro for getting this action figure out to us so quickly. The 2006 VTSC Biker Scout figure is amazing and it was smart of Hasbro to get this mold back out to us in a different flavor. And the Elite Corps Clone Trooper will more than do for us right now. (Editor’s Note: Hasbro made a very accurate Kashyyyk Trooper (08 04) in The 30 (77-07) line. Unfortunately, the figure was a little too short for a clone trooper and we feel that one more stab at it will be required before we have an ultimately definitive version. It too is an excellent action figure, but in order to get one that will knock our socks off, Hasbro will definitely need to revisit it at some point.) We suspect that many of these exist as an army in collectors’ homes already and multiples of these look fantastic together. The figure comes with a random hologram and a personalized action figure stand, the standard pack-ins for The Saga Collection. The Elite Corps Clone Trooper certainly has its share of faults, but if you can appreciate it for what it is, we bet you’ll find him a pleasant surprise. Maybe one day we will get an ultimate version of this character, but the ones made so far are definitely not terrible.
Collector Notes
Elite Corps Clone Trooper
Status: Elite Corps Clone Trooper is a rework of 2006's VTSC Biker Scout figure. Although the Elite Corps Clone Trooper does have a unique uniform, the figure has been painted in a camouflage pattern to match as much as possible the Swamp Troopers/Kashyyyk Troopers seen during the Battle of Kashyyyk in Revenge Of The Sith. There are still however inconsistencies that exist. This figure is named "Elite Corps Trooper" on the included display stand.
Articulation Count: 23 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: Scout Trooper blaster pistol, DC-15 blaster
Date Stamp: 2005
Assortment Number: 87343/85770
UPC: 653569219446
Retail: $6.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.