Treachery On Saleucami - TAC - Battle Packs (Exclusive)

Added: June 11th 2012
Category: 30 (77-07)
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

Name: Treachery On Saleucami
Collection: 30 (77-07)
Number: N/A (Battle Packs)
Source: Revenge Of The Sith
Availability: March 2007
License: Hasbro

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The planet Saleucami is pockmarked with large craters created by meteors that hit the planet. This barren desert world becomes a place of conflict during the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars. The Republic ultimately wins the battle to secure this hot, dry world, and a small contingent is sent there to conduct mop-up operations, led by the Jedi Master Stass Allie. She and two clone troopers under her command are conducting one of their regular speeder bike patrols when Order 66 is enacted.

It may have been 30 years since the release of A New Hope in theaters, but a lot more than that was meant to be celebrated in 2007’s 30 (77-07) collection by Hasbro. This line was meant to celebrate 30 years in general of the Star Wars property including the Prequel Trilogy as well as the Expanded Universe. And Hasbro made sure that all of the various Star Wars sources were as evenly represented as possible. One area in particular that received a little more attention than the others was Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. And that was fine by most of us because Hasbro was still playing catch up two years after that film left theaters in 2005 with a whole bunch of characters needing to be made or updated as action figures. The Order 66 sequence of Revenge Of The Sith became legendary for Star Wars films. Hasbro paid keen attention to this and they made two exclusives Battle Packs (Betrayal On Felucia for TARGET and Treachery On Saleucami for Walmart) which most of us were extremely excited to pick up for our collections. Walmart’s Treachery On Saleucami Battle Packs set was especially exciting because it was the first time we received a screen accurate Commander Neyo (CC-8826). If you recall, Hasbro released an exclusive Clone Trooper at TARGET that had the 91st Reconnaissance Corps insignia on it, but it was based on a Revenge Of The Sith concept art image and not the clones that made it to the final cut of the film.

Interestingly, Hasbro still got something wrong in this Battle Packs set. For reasons unknown, the generic Clone Trooper (perhaps he is meant to be CT-3423) has macrobinoculars covering his visor. We certainly could have missed something in the background of Revenge Of The Sith, but all of the clones on Saleucami from what we could see looked identical, including Commander Neyo. There weren't any discernable differences between them. So take it or leave it, the Clone Trooper in this set may technically be inaccurate. Why is this clone battalion so difficult to get right?! This doesn’t mean that we don’t like the Clone Trooper in this Battle Packs set. Hasbro has done a fantastic job in creating the uniquely styled phase II helmet that the 91st Reconnaissance Corps wears. Both Commander Neyo and the Clone Trooper are brilliantly sculpted and have stunning deco. The paint jobs are relatively simple, but look fantastic. A newly designed belt/pauldron combination was also designed and we love how it hugs their armor. Aside from their head sculpts, these two figures are otherwise essentially identical. (Maybe that’s why Hasbro did what they did here to the Clone Trooper. They gave him a new head sculpt to stand out from Commander Neyo.) They complement each other very nicely and they have the same proportions, which is something that is very important to us.

Both Commander Neyo and Clone Trooper are retools of 2003’s CW Clone Trooper (‘03 #50) figure. But Hasbro went to work on this base sculpt so it would work incredibly well in this Battle Packs set. Hasbro has repositioned the legs so that these clones can straddle the BARC Speeder Bikes without issue. We are thankful that they put in the extra time to ensure that the vehicles can accommodate riders and this was only possible with Hasbro reworking the original sculpts of the figures. The BARC Speeder Bikes are repaints of the vehicles included with 2005’s ROTS Stass Allie Deluxe figure. (Editor’s Note: Images of the BARC Speeder Bikes are absent from our photo gallery. We couldn’t find them in time for this review’s deadline. We will update the photo gallery once they can be located.) Star Wars collectors in general are quite exhausted over Speeder Bikes and BARC Speeder Bikes, so they are more of an obligatory addition to this set. Everyone will want the Treachery On Saleucami Battle Packs for Commander Neyo first and then the generic Clone Trooper second. We hope Hasbro can continue this trend of making Battle Packs based on Order 66. Besides the two exclusive Battle Packs sets they made, Hasbro also released the Battle On Mygeeto too. These are excellent and they can never go wrong with clones. Keep it up Hasbro!

Collector Notes

Treachery On Saleucami

Assortment Number: 87380

UPC: 653569240648

Retail: $19.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Clone Trooper

Loyalty to the Republic and Emperor has been programmed into them from their "birth." So when clone troopers are told that someone is an enemy of the Republic, they do not hesitate to execute orders to eradicate the purported threat.

Status: Clone Trooper is a retool of 2003's CW Clone Trooper ('03 #50) figure. This time the figure's legs have been repositioned. The figure also has an all-new head sculpt and a new shoulder pauldron.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: DC-15 blaster, removable pauldron/belt combination

Date Stamp: 2003

BARC Speeder Bike [A]

Aratech speeder bikes provide clone troopers with the operational range, speed, mobility, and firepower they need to accomplish reconnaissance and scouting missions with greater efficiency during the Clone Wars.

Status: BARC Speeder Bike [A] is a repaint of the BARC Speeder that came with 2005's ROTS Stass Allie Deluxe figure.

Articulation Count: 1 point

Articulation Details: retractable landing gear

Accessory Count: None (BARC Speeder Bikes disassembles into 3 parts)

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2005

Commander Neyo

Trained by ARC trooper Alpha, Commander Neyo receives the Emperor's instructions to enact Order 66 while on a speeder bike patrol with Stass Allie. He and his wingman allow Allie to move ahead of them, then open fire on the unsuspecting Jedi.

Status: Commander Neyo is a retool of 2003's CW Clone Trooper ('03 #50) figure. This time the figure's legs have been repositioned. The figure also has an all-new head sculpt and a new shoulder pauldron.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: DC-15 blaster, removable pauldron/belt combination

Date Stamp: 2003

BARC Speeder Bike [B]

Aratech speeder bikes provide clone troopers with the operational range, speed, mobility, and firepower they need to accomplish reconnaissance and scouting missions with greater efficiency during the Clone Wars.

Status: BARC Speeder Bike [B] is a repaint of the BARC Speeder that came with 2005's ROTS Stass Allie Deluxe figure.

Articulation Count: 1 point

Articulation Details: retractable landing gear

Accessory Count: None (BARC Speeder Bikes disassembles into 3 parts)

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2005

30 (77-07) Battle Packs Wave 1
Battle On Geonosis
Jedi Training On Dagobah

30 (77-07) Battle Packs Wave 2
Capture Of The Tantive IV

30 (77-07) Battle Packs Wave 3
Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious (See TSC Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious)
Jedi Vs. Sith (See ROTS Jedi Vs. Sith)

30 (77-07) Battle Packs Wave 4
Betrayal On Bespin
Clone Attack On Coruscant (See ROTS Clone Attack On Coruscant)
Droid Factory Capture
Hunt For Grievous
(See TSC Hunt For Grievous)

30 (77-07) Battle Packs Wave 5
Battle On Mygeeto

30 (77-07) Battle Packs (TARGET Exclusives)
Ambush On Ilum
ARC-170 Elite Squad
AT-RT Assault Squad
Attack On Kashyyyk
Betrayal On Felucia

30 (77-07) Battle Packs (Toys R Us Exclusives)
Arena Encounter
Bantha With Tusken Raiders
Hoth Patrol
STAP Attack

30 (77-07) Battle Packs (Walmart Exclusives)
Treachery On Saleucami

This review comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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