Inside the Imperial Death Star, R2-D2 uses one of his many mechanical assets to rescue his Rebel companions from certain death within a rapidly closing trash compactor.
1998 was the year that ushered in many all-new second takes of modern Star Wars action figures, many of whose original versions were introduced in the red phase of The Power Of The Force “2” line. R2-D2 [With New Features] was an eagerly anticipated updates because, let’s face it, the first modern R2-D2 figure was simple and very, very boring. Perhaps Kenner/Hasbro got a little too overzealous when they revisited R2-D2 because the Freeze Frame version has a little bit of a multiple personality disorder as it is a figure that can be sourced to all three Original Trilogy films at one time. Perhaps that’s not a fair assessment of this figure. After all, isn’t it safe to assume that, just because each new Star Wars film reveals a new surprise utility tool of the plucky astromech droid, all of these arm attachments have always been part of this character? It’s just that we saw each new utility tool one film at a time. Whatever your take on this, 1998’s The Power Of The Force “2” [Green/Freeze Frame] figure brings forth newness, a better but not ideal sculpt and an improved paint job. It’s easy to assert that better versions will come in the future, but this is a step in the right direction. It is refreshing to see that Kenner/Hasbro are aware that even their earliest modern efforts are already needing updates. The future is looking great!
As you know, R2-D2 [With New Features] is an all-new figure. The droid seems much more compact that the 1995 release. There is no third leg sadly, but we imagine that the newly added features would have been encumbered had Kenner/Hasbro added a third leg. If they followed the protocol of the 1995 figure, then that would require hollowing out most of the body. Obviously this would be feasible when they’re trying to add more play-ability with this character. As you can imagine, you only get one standard look with this R2 unit. Anything positions that require a third leg just aren’t an option here. The sculpt is quite improved over the 1995 release. There are significant upgrades made to the figure. But disappointingly, Kenner/Hasbro is intent on mirroring the 1978 vintage Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) figure by giving all the modern versions erroneous vac-metallized silver domes. The nod the vintage era is appreciated, but collectors want to see screen accuracy. They need to start making the domes on the R2-D2 figure with a dull brushed nickel dome effect instead. Until this is done it’s going to be a long time until we seem a definitive modern update. If you can overlook this “nonsense”, R2-D2 [With New Features] is not a terrible figure.
When you turn the dome of R2-D2 [With New Features], the periscope will pop up. Then there is an action feature release button on the side of the dome which will release the spring-loaded periscope in the “up” position and collapse back into the body of the dome once pressed. The front left panel data link can also be pulled in and out and also has a spring, although on our sample that action feature didn’t work that well. There are two separately attachable utility arms: a gripping claw arm (from The Empire Strikes Back) and a circular saw utility arm (from Return Of The Jedi). So technically this is an “all purpose” R2-D2 action figure for just about any diorama or shelf display in your collection. The figure has a nice paint job too. The blue is dark and neatly applied. And there is evidence of dirt and grim throughout the droid’s frame to give R2-D2 [With New Features] a perfect lived-in look. For variation lovers, R2-D2 [With New Features] can be found with two unique Freeze Frame action slides. The first released reads “Shutting down the Imperial trash compactor.” But it was quickly fixed and updated to read “Shutting down the Death Star trash compactor.” The former is quite difficult to find on the aftermarket. This is a nice figure, but we are holding strong for better.
Collector Notes
R2-D2 [With New Features]
Status: R2-D2 [With New Features] is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), spring-loaded periscope with action feature button release (2), spring loaded data link utility tool (1)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: utility claw arm, utility circular saw arm
Date Stamp: 1998
Collection: 1
Freeze Frame Details: Shutting down the Death Star trash compactor./Shutting down the Imperial trash compactor.
Assortment Number: 69570/69831
UPC: 076281698311
Retail: $5.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on