A platoon-leader in the Alliance SpecForces, Sefla is eager for action. A strong, capable soldier, Sefla has a lot of heart he brings to the fight against the Empire.
One thing that we constantly are reminded of thanks to any Star Wars basic figure line, is that the universe is full of wonderful and diverse characters. It’s the way Star Wars has always been, and hopefully it will remain this way. It’s not that there’s a need to appeal to minority fans, it’s just that the universe itself it rich in culture and different people, and that should be represented in the toy line is some fashion. Kenner and Hasbro have been wonderful at this since the line began in the late seventies. The latest character to show the depth and breadth of the Star Wars universe is Lieutenant Sefla. This dark skinned Rebel Commando is part of wave 4 of the Rogue One line and it’s a joy to see him in the action figure line. In typical Hasbro fashion, they’ve once again tooled a fantastic 5POA figure, but the paint operations just mess up what they achieved in the tooling. It’s not even like the entire figure is appointed poorly. It’s just the face. But the face is a very important part of how the figure looks and how collectors are going to feel about it. Let’s go through the figure and see what different approaches Hasbro have taken which sets this figure apart from others.
Modern Hasbro is getting a little more adventurous with their 5POA action figures. With The Force Awakens line, pretty much every last figure was cut from the same cloth. The figures has little to no differences in how they were approached and all seemed to possess the same articulation systems, save for one or two exceptions. Now they’re thinking outside of the box a little more, thank goodness, and crafting figures that feel to collectors like they’re getting a bit more now. Lieutenant Sefla comes with a removable helmet and it’s not even noticeable when the figure is inside of the packaging. It is well-proportioned on his head and doesn’t look the least bit bulky or out of scale. What’s more, Lieutenant Sefla comes with a blaster rifle in addition to a blaster cannon that fires a colorful projectile. Both weapons are screen accurate too. These extra pieces definitely give Lieutenant Sefla more value and it’s these little things that make collectors appreciate Hasbro’s action figures a whole lot more than they have been. Although we didn’t see this character too often in Rogue One, it’s still cool getting him in the line and especially when Hasbro went the extra mile with him.
Lieutenant Sefla represents the ideal character that should have some moderate articulation. He certainly needs more than five points of articulation, and while super-articulation would be ideal, he certainly could get away with somewhere around ten points or so. We have encouraged Hasbro to consider developing a hybrid line: the best of both worlds for all collectors. But to date they seem reluctant about breaking outside of the mold they’ve been working within the last couple of years. Lieutenant Sefla certainly isn’t a terrible action figure by any mean, but he seems worthy of even more extra treatment than Hasbro has already give him. One thing that upsets us a bit is how small the Rogue One line is when compared to other collections. It was such a fantastic film, and right now it doesn’t seem that Hasbro will be able to get to many of the awesome characters in the film, background or otherwise. So, it might be best to focus on what they have given us instead, like the great Lieutenant Sefla. Again, he isn’t perfect, but he is a refreshing character in the basic figure line. We wonder if Hasbro will attempt him in The Black Series 6” line next.
Collector Notes
Lieutenant Sefla
Status: Lieutenant Sefla is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: blaster rifle, heavy assault blaster, projectile
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: C1975/B7072
UPC: 630509532926
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on