From gleaming cities to the muddy terrain of Mimban, Imperials forces protect and serve the Empire. Their versatile training and equipment allows for them to be employed in a wide variety of environments against Rebel forces and others disloyal to the aims of the Empire.
Well, we’re impressed. It’s been a VERY LONG TIME since 3.75” collectors have something to excite them when it comes to Hasbro Star Wars action figures. If we could forget for a moment or two that the TARGET exclusive Stormtrooper (Squad Leader)/Mudtrooper/Imperial Patrol Trooper/Han Solo (Mimban)/Stormtrooper (Mimban)/TIE Fighter Pilot six-pack includes simply articulated action figures (anywhere from six points to seven points of articulation each), you’ll appreciate what Hasbro did for collectors with this TARGET exclusive release. We understand that 5POA is less than ideal. And the new Force Link 2.0 technology might go down as one of the worst pack-in premiums of any Star Wars line to date, but this six-pack brings together six beautifully sculpted (and decorated – there are some exceptions) action figures that 3.75” enthusiasts can army build easily. Plus, in an era where exclusives are overloaded with straight repacks, this release is two-thirds new which is astounding if you think about it. TARGET didn’t draw the short straw for this retailer exclusive. They are fortunate here. And collectors are the ones who will reap the benefits. Any collector can buy this set multiple times over and build up a large army of Imperial troopers. Sure, Han Solo (Mimban) is one of the figures, but if you put on his goggles and mask, he’ll serve as another Mudtrooper quite well. Let’s analyze the contents of this set carefully, which are all based on Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Stormtrooper (Squad Leader) is an expected release. Hasbro took 2018’s SW [S} Stormtrooper (Mimban) Force Link 2.0 figure for the figure's body and the head sculpt from 2016's RO Imperial Stormtrooper figure and then gave it a clean paint job and new accessories. The figure comes with the same articulation as before, but some of the accessories are new. However, we noticed that the posture of this release is better. Now the figure can stand unassisted which makes us very happy. He should be considered new here. He can hold the included E-11 blaster very well with both hands, and the bright orange pauldron adds a much-needed splash of color. The first all-new figure in this set is the Mudtrooper. An instant fan-favorite character from Solo: A Star Wars Story, collectors can finally add this character to their collections. We, of course, await Hasbro making a super-articulated version in the future. They added an inordinate amount of detail to the Mudtrooper. And they cleverly made the mask and goggles permanent fixtures to keep the anonymity of this particular Mudtrooper preserved. The second all-new figure is the Imperial Patrol Trooper. And while we’re thrilled to see this figure finally added to the Star Wars [Solo] line, we think Hasbro should have ensured that this character got added to the basic figure assortment. Who knows? Maybe some point down the line he will. The sculpt on the Imperial Patrol Trooper is beautiful. Hasbro also did a fantastic job with the deco, and if you look carefully, you’ll see that the Imperial Patrol Trooper has a green visor. He comes with a Biker Scout blaster pistol too.
Han Solo (Mimban) is a retool and repaint of the Mudtrooper figure. We suppose we’re getting two for the price of one, although that statement is ironic because we’re paying for both in this exclusive release. But hopefully, you catch our drift. Hasbro utilized the same tooling to give us a Mudtrooper version of Han Solo. Han Solo (Mimban) has terrible paint operations on his face, but at least you can cover them up with both the separately-sculpted (and removable) goggles and the removable (yet permanently attached) mask. There are deco differences between Han Solo (Mimban) and the Mudtrooper too. They have different colored deco on their uniforms, and each comes with unique weapons. It’s great to see that Hasbro didn’t take any shortcuts here and replicate as many of the same details from one figure to the next. They’ve treated each character unique which is wonderful. The last two figures in this set are straight repacks, save for a few slight deco anomalies here and there. The Stormtrooper (Mimban) is a straight repack of 2018’s SW [S} Stormtrooper (Mimban) Force Link 2.0 figure and the TIE Fighter Pilot is a straight repack of the figure from the 2018 SW [S] TIE Fighter Force Link 2.0 vehicle release. Hasbro deserves credit for this set. We have to admit we’re quite excited for it, and we hope the collecting community embraces it. There are some fantastic figures included here, and it would be foolish to pass on it because of all the greatness it brings to the Star Wars line.
Collector Notes
Stormtrooper (Squad Leader)/Mudtrooper/Imperial Patrol Trooper/Han Solo (Mimban)/Stormtrooper (Mimban)/TIE Fighter Pilot
Assortment Number: E2827
UPC: 630509707195
Retail: $44.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on
Stormtrooper Squad Leader
Status: Stormtrooper Squad Leader is a kit-bashed figure that utilizes the body of 2018's SW [S] Stormtrooper (Mimban) Force Link 2.0 figure and the head sculpt from 2016's RO Imperial Stormtrooper figure. This time the figure has been repainted and given an all-new orange pauldron.
Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details:ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: paudron, E-11 blaster
Date Stamp: N/A
Status: Mudtrooper is an all-new figure. Hasbro mislabeled the figure as "Stormtrooper (Mimban)."
Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: blaster rifle
Date Stamp: N/A
Imperial Patrol Trooper
Status: Imperial Patrol Trooper is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: blaster pistol
Date Stamp: N/A
Han Solo (Mimban)
Status: Han Solo (Mimban) is a retool and repaint of the Mudtrooper figure. This time the figure has an all-new head sculpt and has been repainted
Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: blaster rifle, removable goggles
Date Stamp: N/A
Stormtrooper (Mimban)
Status: Stormtrooper (Mimban) is a straight repck of 2018's SW [S] Stormtrooper (Mimban) Force Link 2.0 figure. Hasbro mislabeled the figure as "Mudtrooper."
Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: heavy blaster rifle, E-11 blaster, cape
Date Stamp: N/A
TIE Fighter Pilot
Status: TIE Fighter Pilot is a straight repack of the figure from 2018's SW [S] TIE Fighter Force Link 2.0 vehicle.
Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: E-11 blaster
Date Stamp: N/A