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The Vintage Collection

Jocasta Nu - TVC - Basic (Exclusive)

Name: Jocasta Nu
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: N/A (Exclusive)
Source: Attack Of The Clones
Availability: January 2013
License: Hasbro

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Responding with pleasure to the demands of Star Wars fans, we are proud to bring you Jocasta Nu in her very first appearance as a 3.75" figure!

As Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, Jocasta Nu oversees a vast collection of information – and secrets – dating back thousands of years. A brilliant researcher and archivist, this Jedi Master has trained many Padawans during her long career. Her devotion to learning is seen by her Ansata-patterned robes, a style worn by many famous Jedi historians. In the archives, Jocasta is surrounded by bronzium busts of noteworthy Jedi Masters, among them Count Dooku, Yoda and Chon Actrion. Like the archives, these busts also hold the tantalizing secrets for those who search for them.

Take home a part of HISTORY with this exclusive Jocasta Nu figure!

Did it take an army or a miracle to finally bring Jocasta Nu to collectors? Perhaps it was a little bit of both. Always a top ranking Fans’ Choice candidate, Hasbro nearly scoffed for the last couple of years at the idea of making her as an action figure in their popular 3.75” line. In fact, the latest Fans’ Choice poll where the results were announced at Toy Fair 2012 saw Jocasta Nu hit the number two spot of the most desired figure yet to be made by Hasbro. But Hasbro officials still laughed at the idea. Perhaps they wanted to throw off their scent and create more desire for her than there already was. Because it wasn’t until 2012’s San Diego Comic Con that the official announcement was made: Jocasta Nu is coming! It was an almost unbelievable utterance, but also a very exciting one. However, even when miracles like this happen, there are always those that will feel indifferently about it. Warmly welcomed by most, Jocasta Nu made her official debut “in the flesh” at various conventions that summer. Interestingly she was planned as a Celebration VI exclusive, but things didn’t work out as intended and Jedi Temple Archives’ sponsor Brian’s Toys stepped up to the plate and became the official vendor of this awesome exclusive.

Jocasta Nu retails for a lavish $25. As a result, she will be out of the budgets for many collectors who typically like two of everything: one to open and one to keep sealed. But in order to make it the greatest value for the dollar, Jocasta Nu comes in a deluxe boxed-set and a healthy dose of accessories, many of which you probably didn’t expect Hasbro to include. But you probably want to know what’s in the box, don’t you? Well, there’s a lot of great stuff in here. Jocasta Nu comes with 12 points of articulation. Admittedly, she looks a little bit young for her age in action figure form, but we feel the resemblance is more than adequate for this character. Jocasta Nu comes with a swivel neck. We asked Hasbro about this at Celebration VI and they explained to us that the aesthetics were going to be compromised when working up some rough sketches while planning for the figure. Her outfit is an exact replica of the costume in the film and her overall countenance seems to be equally inspired from Attack Of The Clones as well as The Clone Wars television series. The coloring, details and sculpt are just simply excellent and we’re especially thankful that she’s finally here for all of us to enjoy in our collections.

Some additional proof that The Clone Wars was partly inspired for this figure, Jocasta Nu comes with a fully lit lightsaber, something we only saw in the television show. She manipulates it with ease in her hands. Her left hand is pointing and we’ll probably pretend that she is shushing patrons of the Jedi Temple Archives as well as using it as a Force gesture when lightsaber dueling in her spare time. She also comes with a soft-goods satchel (that we absolutely love) and in it well-hidden you'll find her lightsaber hilt accessory. It's nice to know she packs such heat is such a demur shoulder bag. We’ll probably want to let some of our new Ewok action figures “play” with the satchel accessory part of the time too! And the last and perhaps greatest accessory is the Count Dooku bust (one of the "Lost 20") that sits atop a pillar in the archives. The likeness of Count Dooku is realistically alarming. Rumors abound of Jocasta’s previous relationship with the Count and it’s utterly fitting her for this release. The bust is removable from the pillar and underneath of it hides a Jedi holocron. So you get a total of six accessories here which isn’t something to sneeze at by any means, especially for such a background character as Jocasta Nu. Overall, we’re extremely pleased with the figure and we’re thankful to Brian’s Toys for picking it up as their exclusive. Be sure to secure one for your collection too! She’s a must-have!

Collector Notes

Jocasta Nu

Status: Jocasta Nu is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 12 points

Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: pillar, Count Dooku bust, holocron, lightsaber, soft-goods satchel, lightsaber hilt (hidden in satchel)

Date Stamp: 2012

Assortment Number: A0501

UPC: 653569764281

Retail: $24.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Vintage Collection
All Products

Added: November 9, 2012
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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