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Legacy Collection [2]

212th Battalion Clone Trooper - LC [2] - Droid Factory

Name: 212th Battalion Clone Trooper
Collection: Legacy Collection [2]
Number: N/A
Source: Revenge Of The Sith
Availability: October 2013
License: Hasbro

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Clone Troopers in the 212th Attack Battalion fight in the Battle of Utapau. Distinguished by their orange-marked armor, 212th Clone Troopers are under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Commander Cody. They accompany Kenobi to Utapau on a mission to eliminate General Grievous.

The circle is now complete. Hasbro has finally released every Episode III phase II that appeared onscreen in the revised TVC Clone Trooper (VC45) body sculpt. If you think about it, it didn’t take them that long to knock them all out. Some are better than others, but they all share one universal flaw. And that is Hasbro is unwilling to revise the oversized bucket on their heads. Hasbro has been alerted to this problem for literally years now. They appear to note the issue when it’s brought up, but nothing has been remedied in practice and the figures continue to get produced with the oversized helmet. So now it’s time for the 212th Battalion Clone Trooper to experience the same treatment. We are a bit more forgiving when it comes to the extra large helmets than may other collectors, but we have to admit that it’s frustrating that Hasbro still has yet to design a smaller scaled accessory for this figure to make it perfect. Being moments away from perfection is often more frustrating than being much further away. That being said, 212th Battalion Clone Trooper is a figure always intended to be part of the Legacy Collection [2] line and now he has been made available in exclusive Droid Factory set. It lacks when compared to the other troopers released utilizing this body sculpt. There are some nice deco enhancements, but the left hand is fused shut and it appears that Hasbro used a different flesh toned plastic to cast the figure. He looks too pale.

As mentioned earlier, 212th Battalion Clone Trooper completes the cast of phase II clone troopers that appear in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith that have been upgraded with the new body sculpt. The all-white Clone Trooper was released in 2012’s Star Wars [TPM 3D] BARC Speeder With Clone Trooper Deluxe set, the Clone Trooper (501st Legion) (VC60) and Shock Trooper (VC110) were two key figures in The Vintage Collection and the 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper (#12) was released in The Black Series line, albeit with major deco issues that have yet to be corrected. So how does the 212th Battalion Clone Trooper from the salvaged Legacy Collection [2] line look fair in comparison? Aside the from the acknowledged large helmet, he just doesn't meet our personaly standards for what makes a good action figure. His joints are frozen (as in unwilling to move) and his limbs are curved for reasons unknown. He is misshapen is more ways than one. Other than that we assume he actually looks pretty good, but that's because our tolerance has been beaten down. Hasbro in good form gave him unique battle-damage and carbon-scoring. They went a little light on these paint operations, but we have become so immune to Hasbro not going above and beyond when it comes to paint operations that we find it rather acceptable at this point. The lines look as relatively clean as possible, and aside from one or two issues, it looks pretty good overall.

We have a received a long legacy of 212th Battalion Clone Trooper action figures already. The first, 2006’s TSC Clone Trooper (SAGA 026) is still revered as the best by many, but the figure is much too bulky in lieu of what we know about the armored body of the clones in Episode II and Episode III. Next came the Clone Trooper from 2010’s LC Clone Trooper Lieutenant/Clone Trooper (10) Comic Packs set. The most recent super-articulated version we got was 2011’s TVC Clone Trooper (212th Battalion) (VC38) which technically comes in two ways: yellowing/greening helmet or bright white helmet (which inadvertently became a Five Below exclusive. Obviously you have more than your fair share of choices for the 212th Attack Battalion clone. But if you’re looking for the best articulation and most accurate proportions, you are going to have to rely on this version from the Legacy Collection [2]. But we just don't know aesthetically he feels so awkwards and looks so pale. It's sad when you have to say this is the best version by default. It should be the best version because it's actually very good. You already know all you need to know about this sculpt, it’s just nice that Hasbro has completed a thought when it came to the phase II clones. We credit them for that. 212th Battalion Clone Trooper may be our most favorite figure from the exclusive Legacy Collection [2] Droid Factory multipack. Your opinions may vary however.

Collector Notes

212th Battalion Clone Trooper

Status: 212th Battalion Clone Trooper is a repaint of the figure included with 2012's SW [TPM 3D] BARC Speeder With Clone Trooper Deluxe set.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 ball-jointed wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: removable helmet, DC-15 blaster, DC-15 blaster rifle

Original Droid Factory/Build A Droid Part: TC-70 right arm

Date Stamp: 2011

Assortment Number: A6729

UPC: 653569916000

Retail: $59.99 USD (multipack)

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

212th Battalion Clone Trooper

Legacy Collection [2] Droid Factory
212th Battalion Clone Trooper
Battle Droid
Black Squadron TIE Pilot
Sun Fac
TC-70 (Build A Droid)

Added: October 30, 2013
Category: Legacy Collection [2]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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