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Power Of The Jedi

K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) - POTJ - Basic

Name: K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid)
Collection: Power Of The Jedi
Number: N/A
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: December 2000
License: Hasbro

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A very old and experienced protocol droid, K-3PO had the vital task of leading the droid pool at Echo Base on the ice planet Hoth. K-3PO helped to coordinate the evacuation of the Rebel outpost when it was attacked by the evil Empire.

The Power Of The Jedi line brought collectors some much needed, yet unexpected characters into the basic figure line. Collectors felt frequent warm embraces from Hasbro and it was turning out that Power Of The Jedi was a line with collectors’ interest taking priority first. We didn’t necessarily feel entitled to have a line of figures that itched us at every scratch, but Power Of The Jedi gave us those feelings on its own. It essentially catered to our every collector need with amazing character choices and upgrades in the way figures were developed. Generally speaking, instead of relying on first instinct, Hasbro went in a different direction and created a line that was both wonderful as it was interesting. After the success of R2-B1 and TC-14 from the Episode I line, Hasbro soon realized that there was intense interest from collectors for protocol droids that weren’t C-3PO and astromech droids that weren’t R2-D2. As such, it made perfect sense to start delving into the less obvious character choices and from that approach they developed K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid). K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) is an exciting release because it’s a first time offering of this character.

It’s also exciting because it presents the droid in a battle-damaged state. That may be limiting to some collectors, but the paint job of the battle-damage is exquisite, some of the best deco we have seen ever in the Star Wars basic figure line. What isn’t too exciting however is the sculpt. Let’s discuss this more. There is no doubt about it. K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) was a cheap figure for Hasbro to make. Hasbro utilized 2000’s EI TC-14 Protocol Droid figure and repainted it to make a character based on the Original Trilogy. We seemingly are in the minority on this, but we never felt that this sculpt accurately reflected the details of the protocol droids seen in the films. The head is too oblong, the body is too bulky and the limbs are too thick. Also, the TC-14 sculpt has been cast in a very awkward position where it will only stand up when precariously balanced on one foot. That is very annoying. How hard is it to sculpt an action figure so that it stands up on two feet? Yet, this one has great difficulty doing so. Admittedly, it’s still hard to despise this action figure. The sculpt does look fantastic in white plastic, and you already know how we feel about the paint job it has received.

K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) comes with a rangefinder accessory oddly enough. This is the same device that Han Solo used to locate Luke Skywalker in the Hoth tundra. It really doesn’t fit the character all that well. After all, we just saw the droid in the background of Echo Base, and not outside scanning for life forms. Still, it’s hard to complain about getting something extra with an action figure when it didn’t cost any extra money to include it. By having K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) hold it, it helps balance the figure a bit more. So it’s helpful in that regard. The Power Of The Jedi has turned out great characters. Some are mainstream and many others are barely visible on screen. But that’s what a good basic Star Wars figure line has. After all, that’s what made the vintage Kenner line so powerful. Many of us didn’t even see many of the creatures and droids on screen the first time we saw the film. It took subsequent attempts before we actually believed these characters made it into the films. K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) may not be the most difficult character to see in The Empire Strikes Back, but to see Hasbro develop an action figure of him is something that’s warmly embraced by us.

Collector Notes

K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid)

Status: K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) is a rework of 2000's EI TC-14 Protocol Droid figure.

Articulation Count: 6 points

Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 swivel shoulders, swivel waist, 2 swivel legs

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: stentronic sensor pack

Date Stamp: 2000

Collection: 2

Assortment Number: 84455/84472

UPC: 076930846438

Retail: $5.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Power Of The Jedi
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Added: March 19, 2014
Category: Power Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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