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The Legacy Collection

Remote Control R2-D2 - TLC - Exclusives

Name: Remote Control R2-D2
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: N/A (TARGET Exclusive)
Source: A New Hope
Availability: May 2009
License: Hasbro

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After much complaining from the collecting community over the fact that the Japanese Remote Control astromech droids were impossible to acquire, Hasbro stepped up to the plate and worked with the Japanese toymakers to make American versions. They successfully created an exclusive program for TARGET and released four of these Remote Control figures in the Spring of 2009 right as the line looks was changing from blue to red. They included R2-D2, R2-Q5, R5-D4 and R5-X2. This of course is a great sampling of droids from across the Star Wars saga. And collectors were thrilled to finally have an opportunity to buy these on American store shelves, and for a decent price. The TARGET exclusive Remote Control R2-D2 will undoubtedly be the most popular of the lot. In fact, it was the first of the four to disappear from shelves. The figure itself looks like a decent interpretation of the onscreen character, but the articulation is severely limited because this figure is intended to move via the included lightsaber remote control. Remote Control R2-D2 has moving parts, a light-up eye port and a very simple paint job. The collecting community will be split on whether or not they’re going to want to add these special novelty figures into their collections.

Let’s step back a bit. For the release of the final Prequel Trilogy Star Wars film, Revenge Of The Sith, Japan decided to make a series of Remote Control astromech droids figures. As mentioned, they were so popular that StarWarsShop.com picked them up. Sadly, they were too expensive and collectors were desperate to know if these cool collectibles would ever be more affordable in some other (and perhaps mainstream) way. Their desires were obviously addressed and as you know Hasbro released four of them in new packaging in The Legacy Collection as TARGET exclusives. They are the same droids, but they come in completely different packaging. The only real disappointment was that not all of the astromech droids were released most notably R4-P17. At least Hasbro chose some of the more interesting droids to include in this exclusive lineup. R2-D2 has seen an infinite amount of released throughout the Hasbro toy line throughout the years. Perhaps we don’t need another one. But at least this one comes with some interesting and borderline aggressive features like the remote control steering and light-up effects. Remote Control R2-D2 should interest a large facet of collectors that comprise a diverse age group. That’s just our opinion of course, but who doesn’t enjoy playing with figures that move independently?

The remote control device is designed in the shape of a lightsaber hilt. The figure is on frequency known as “BAND 2” which is also used for some of the other droids in this assortment. We have tested it and have successfully been able to control more than one droid with the same remote control. The figure’s head rotates back and forth (not 360 degrees) and can spin completely around thanks to the turning of the third wheel on the third leg. The R5 units like Remote Control R5-X2 don't come with any light-up features, so the red/orange eye on R2-D2 is pretty neat. It burns brightly and beautifully complements the details found within the figure’s paint job. R2-D2 could have stood to have a little more deco thrown his way, but for the most part this figure brings what it needs to into the line. All droids come with a new 2008 copyright date stamp on the bottom of the feet as well as the battery cover. It will be easy to tell which is the true Japanese import or not. Aesthetically, these droids are disappointments because as much as we love the electronics in this figure, they still lack because the foot wires/hoses on the droids’ feet are painted on and are not made from separately molded pieces of plastic. Other than that, these collectibles serve a big purpose. We’re glad to see them again!

Collector Notes

Remote Control R2-D2

Status: Remote Control R2-D2 is a slight repaint of the 2005 Remote Control R2-series Astromech Droid sculpt. These figures have now been released by Hasbro as TARGET exclusives.

Articulation Count: N/A (the figure's movement is all controlled via remote control)

Articulation Details: N/A

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: lightsaber remote control

Date Stamp: 2008

Assortment Number: 89048/87849

UPC: 653569396505

Retail: $16.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Legacy Collection Remote Control Astromech Droids

Remote Control R2-D2

Remote Control R2-Q5

Remore Control R5-D4

Remote Control R5-X2

Added: July 7, 2017
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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