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The Vintage Collection

Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) - TVC - Basic (VC203)

Name: Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7)
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC203
Source: The Mandalorian
Availability: August 2021
License: Hasbro

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It’s a shame that Hasbro released the Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) figure so long after 2019’s TVC Jawa (VC161) figure because had they waited to release the latter, we would have a definitive version of the classic Kenner 1978 SW Jawa figure. In 2015, Hasbro released a The Black Series [Phase II] Jawas (#20) figure set. The Jawas looked incredible and came with a decent amount of articulation. But the molded lower robes inhibited any lower body movement, much to the chagrin of Star Wars collectors everywhere. Hasbro released Jawa “B” from this two-pack set and packaged it singly as the 2019’s TVC Jawa (VC161) figure. But to create the Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) figure, they used the smaller Jawa "A" from th two-pack. While collectors were happy to have another “12-Back” added to their collections, the figure was a significant misfire and disappointment for collectors because the figure isn’t definitive by any means. There isn’t a soft-goods cloak. And there was almost no functioning lower body articulation, thanks to the inhibiting outer robes. Coincidentally, Hasbro still had faith in this action figure and decided to convert it into a new take of the Offworld Jawas seen in the fan-favorite The Mandalorian series on Disney+.

With a bit of thought and a lot of skill, Hasbro worked up a very satisfying version of the Jawa. And we hope they’re kind enough to collectors to convert it into an Original Trilogy take of the character once The Mandalorian fanfare dissipates a little. Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) is a retool and repaint of Jawa "A" from 2015’s TBS [P2] Jawas (#201) figure two-pack. Hasbro added an all-new portrait, a new torso with an all-new soft-goods cloak, and separate molded bandolier. The result is an exquisite interpretation of the classic Jawa character. For this release, Hasbro repainted the figure to match the colors of the Offworld Jawas from The Mandalorian. With red eyes, the Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) figure looks like a “negative” of the standard Original Trilogy Jawas, especially the source figure from which this new figure was designed. The dark and dreary colors are a perfect match for this action figure, and Hasbro ensured consistent coloring with the mixed media presented here. The plastic parts and fabric match beautifully and create a new version of the unforgettable classic character with a contemporary twist. Thanks to the omission of lower molded robes, the Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) figure has excellent mobility, and you have more freedom to pose the figure as you wish.

The Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) figure comes with several accessories. Hasbro must have felt that including six accessories would help provide extra value for such a short action figure. We’re okay with paying $12.99 for Yoda or an Ewok as we are paying the same price for Yak Face or Luke Skywalker. But Hasbro went out of their way to provide many accessories that interact wonderfully with the figure. Aside from the removable soft-goods cloak and the bandolier, Hasbro also included three weapons. You get an ionization blaster, a CA-87 ionization blaster, and a DT-12 heavy blaster pistol. The Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) holds them all relatively well in its hands, but there are no holsters on the new bandolier to store any when not in use. However, The Vintage Collection Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) is closer to screen accuracy than The Black Series Offworld Jawa (96) figure because the 6” figure is based on the mold of the Original Trilogy character without any tweaking or changes. Lastly, Hasbro treated collectors to an unbroken mudhorn egg. It looks like a walnut or a peach pit or a shriveled-up testicle. You can decide what you feel it looks like, but it’s a neat little accessory, and the Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) figure can hold it in various ways.

Collector Notes

Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7)

Status: Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) is a retool and repaint of Jawa [A] from 2015's TBS [P2] Jawas (#20) two-pack. This time the figure comes with an all-new head sculpt, a new torso, and a new soft-goods cloak. The figure has also been completely repainted. Hasbro included an all-new bandolier and an all-new mudhorn egg accessory in addition to the blaster weapons.

Articulation Count: 14 points (10 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: soft-goods cloak, ionization blaster, CA-87 ionization blaster, DT-12 heavy blaster pistol , bandolier, mudhorn egg

Date Stamp: 2014

Assortment Number: F1894/E7763

UPC: 5010993834389

Retail: $12.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Vintage Collection Wave 30

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Ahsoka Tano (Mandalore) (VC202)

Offworld Jawa (Arvala-7) (VC203)

Added: July 14, 2021
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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