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1:6 Scale Figures

Figrin D’an (Modal Nodes) - Scum & Villainy - 1:6 Scale Figures

Name: Figrin D'an (Modal Nodes)
Collection: Scum & Villainy
Number: Item #100085
Edition Size: 2000
Scale: 1:6 Scale Figures
Source: A New Hope
Availability: December 2011
License: Sideshow Collectibles

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A Bith alien from the planet Clak'dor VII, Figrin D'an is the Kloo Horn playing front man of the Mos Eisley Cantina band the Modal Nodes, commonly nicknamed the Bith Band. Figrin is an avid gambler, and he pays off his debts by playing gigs, while trying to keep his band mates out of trouble. Like most of his alien race, Figrin remains neutral in the politically complex Republic, preferring to stay outside the conflict between the Rebels and the Imperials.

Before their days playing at the cantina, the Modal Nodes, like so many bands, had their ups and downs as their front man, Figrin D'an, struggled to master his demons. The band accepted a contract to be the house musicians for Jabba the Hutt, but once they realized Jabba's reputation for executing "employees" who displeased him, they began to regret taking the job. Breaching their contract, Figrin D'an took a lucrative offer to play at a wedding, knowing that the job would give them enough money to escape from Jabba's Palace. On the night of the wedding, Figrin's penchant for gambling had him placing their payment on a game, much to the chagrin of his band mates. Luckily for them, Jabba had heard of their breach of contract and came after the band just as a troop of Stormtroopers raided the casino, creating a distracting fight that allowed the band to escape. Soon after the Modal Nodes reached safety, Figrin D'an lost control of his gambling again, this time wagering the band's instruments. He lost. At the band's insistence, Figrin played another hand in hopes of winning back their equipment and was finally successful. After the incident, Figrin cleaned up his act, and the band played throughout the galaxy before landing their regular gig in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

We’re surprised when Sideshow Collectibles makes 1:6 Scale Figures that Hasbro did pretty well. We’re not implying that if Hasbro made a certain character that Sideshow Collectibles should not, but with all of the characters that Hasbro passed by, it seems like these should take precedence at Sideshow Collectibles first. To be quite fair, Sideshow Collectibles has brought some amazing first time available 1:6 Scale Figures to the marketplace including Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) and the Rebel Fleet Trooper and we don’t want to take that away from them. And even the updates to Greedo (Bounty Hunter) and the Gamorrean Guard were desperately needed in the line as well, but characters like Figrin D’an And The Modal Nodes were done so well by Hasbro that we could have waited a little bit longer before getting them from Sideshow Collectibles. And that would basically be true if and only if Sideshow didn't take it to the next level, which they of course did. Hardcore 1:6 Scale Figure collectors will be purchasing this figure anyway, but the more casual collectors may want to take note that new things have been brought to the table with this figure. In a time where every extra penny counts, we believe people will be apprehensive about dropping so much money on a character that was done well by another license now for almost four times the price. But take some notes and learn why this figure is too a must-have.

We're sensitive to the fact that multiple Modal Nodes band members will not be wallet-friendly. We're going to be in this for a long haul, but you should definitely know that it's going to be worth it. That being said, we warmly welcome Figrin D’an to our 1:6 Scale Figure collections. Just as we expected, the same precision and accuracy was applied to his development and we now have a definitive large-scaled representation of our favorite alien musician. (Life Size Bust collectors will also be treated to Figrin D’an in this scale too!) The members of the Modal Nodes are identical except for their respective instruments, so this is essentially one of the easiest cash cows for Sideshow Collectibles to bank on especially for those collectors that simply must have them all. He has a fair amount of accessories which is nice because the clone troopers come with much too many. Sideshow managed to capture the typically missed detail that he plays two instruments, so you’ll be treated to both his Kloo Horn and Fanfar instruments. In typical Sideshow fashion, you get an interchangeable pair of hands to make holding the instruments easier than ever. Hasbro’s Cantina Band figures never held their instruments that well. This is not an issue here at all. The uniform is beautifully tailored and he has the tightest pants of any 1:6 Scale Figure we’ve ever come across in Sideshow Collectibles Star Wars line, save for the body gloves in the Militaries Of Star Wars line.

So what else is there to mention? Did you know Bith have pupils and colored eyes, albeit very dark? This is true and if you look carefully in our gallery, you'll see this fine detail. As we have mentioned, the remaining members of the Modal Nodes will also be coming to collectors. Two, Tedn D’hai and Nalan Cheel have already been announced as Sideshow Store Exclusives with a second quarter 2012 availability. (It seems that these figures are cheaper by the pair as this duo will retail for $149.99 instead of $99.99 each. This will help 1:6 Scale Figure collectors out greatly.) No doubt the full band will be available before we know it. Thankfully, this is the definitive representation of them in this scale. If you take time to read the back story on the box, you’ll find that there’s way too much Expanded Universe information that you probably didn’t care to know. Although we have to admit that it’s cool that Sideshow takes the time to thoroughly investigate the backgrounds of the characters they bring into the 1:6 Scale Figure line to create this reading material. But collecting 1:6 Scale Figures isn’t about the packaging exactly. It’s about the artisanship of the product inside of it. And you can be sure that the very best effort is being put forth in these beautifully scaled collectibles. From the hand painted details to the nearly perfect Prometheus body type, 1:6 Scale Figure collecting has reached a new pinnacle and Sideshow Collectibles shows no signs of stopping here as they continue to improve upon the things that need some attention.

Collector Notes

Figrin D'an (Modal Nodes)

Status: Figrin D'an is the Prometheus 1.2 figure body type with a unique portrait, unique neck, unique forearms and two sets of interchangeable hands.

Articulation Count: 31 points

Articulation Details: swivel head, ball-jointed neck, 2 swivel "inside" shoulders, 2 ball-jointed "outside" shoulders, 2 swivel biceps, 2 double ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel forearms, 2 ball-jointed wrists (removable hands), ball-jointed torso, swivel abs, ball-jointed waist, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 upper thigh, 2 double ball-jointed knees, 2 swivel ankles, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 4

Accessory Details: Kloo Horn instrument, Fanfar instrument, one set of interchangeable hands

Retail: $99.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Figrin D'an (Model Nodes) (Sideshow Collectibles)

Sideshow Collectibles (1:6 Scale Figures)
Heroes Of The Rebellion
Lords Of The Sith
Militaries Of Star Wars
Order Of The Jedi
Scum & Villainy

Sideshow Collectibles (Other Products)
1:6 Scale Figure Environments
Premium Format Figures
Life Size Busts

Added: December 6, 2011
Category: 1:6 Scale Figures
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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