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KOTOR Miniatures Preview - Master Lucien Draay

Posted by Bryan | July 14, 2008 at 12:15 PM ET

    The next miniature getting a preview from the upcoming KOTOR Miniatures (Wizards of the Coast's newest set of Star Wars gaming miniatures), is going to be the prestigious Jedi, Master Lucien Draay.

Born into a prestigious family with a substantial fortune and respected Jedi heritage, Lucien is son to Krynda Draay (a talented but distant seer) and Barrison Draay (a Jedi warrior who dies in the Great Sith War). His mother neglects him in favor of students who, like her, demonstrate clairvoyant aptitude, but Lucien takes after his father. Krynda makes Lucien the guardian of her young seers circle, becoming First WatchCircle of Krynda's Jedi Covenant, sworn to prevent the Sith's return by any means necessary.

While assigned to Taris, the WatchCircle members take new Padawans for training, including Lucien's apprentice, Zayne Carrick. During their Jedi trials, the WatchCircle seers get a vision of galactic turmoil and their own deaths; one of their own students appears destined to become the next Dark Lord. With grim determination, the WatchCircle slaughters its students to prevent their vision from coming true, but Zayne escapes. Lucien frames him for the murder of his classmates, making him a fugitive. Convinced that Zayne is indeed the future Dark Lord, Lucien obsessively hunts his former student in pursuit of his personal vendetta against the Sith that destroyed his childhood.

In the Star Wars Miniatures Game, Master Lucien Draay is the best "beatstick" available to the Old Republic faction. Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Riposte, and Master of the Force 2 give him the ability to use both Lightsaber Block and Lightsaber Riposte against a single attack. Rounding out his anti-Sith Lord credentials, Draay has Lightsaber Duelist, giving him that much extra longevity against lightsaber-wielding maniacs: Only Count Dooku (Clone Strike) and Darth Revan (The Force Unleashed) manage a higher Defense against these foes. While he certainly won't outfight Lord Vader or Darth Bane, Draay is capable of putting up a good fight.

Faction: Old Republic
Cost: 48
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: +15
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique; Melee Attack; Double Attack; Lightsaber Duelist
Force Powers: Force 1; Force Renewal; Lightsaber Block; Lightsaber Deflect; Lightsaber Riposte; Master of the Force 2

Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition Statistics

Lucien Draay CL 15

Medium human: noble 3/Jedi 5/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 2
Destiny 3; Force 7; Dark Side 5
Init: +14; Senses Perception: +14
Languages: Arkanian, Basic, Feeorin, High Galactic, Miralukese, Togruti

Defenses: Ref 30 (flat-footed 28), Fort 30, Will 30; Block, Deflect, Elusive Target
hp 121; Threshold 30
Immune: fear effects

Speed: 6 squares
Melee: lightsaber +19 (2d8+13) or
Melee: lightsaber +17 (3d8+13) with Rapid Strike or
Melee: lightsaber +16/+16 (2d8+13) with Double Attack or
Melee: lightsaber +14/+14 (3d8+13) with Double Attack and Rapid Strike
Ranged: by weapon +16
Base: Atk +14; Grp +17
Atk Options: Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
Special Actions: Riposte*, serenity, WatchCircle Initiate*
Force Powers Known: (Use the Force +14); battle strike (2), farseeing, Force slam (2), Force thrust, move object, negate energy, rebuke
Force Secrets: Quicken Power
Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery (2)

Abilities: Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15
Talents: Block, Connections, Deflect, Elusive Target, Multiattack Proficiency (lightsabers), Riposte*, Shii-Cho, WatchCircle Initiate*, Wealth
Feats: Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Use the Force), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, simple weapons)
Skills: Deception +14, Gather Information +14, Initiative +14, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +14, Knowledge (galactic lore) +14, Perception +14, Persuasion +14, Pilot +14, Use Computer +14, Use the Force +14
Possessions: lightsaber (self-built), Jedi robes, comlink (encrypted), code cylinder, datapad, personal space yacht

* These talents appear in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. If you don't have that book, replace with Djem So (page 218, Saga Edition Core Rulebook) and Resilience (page 40, Saga Edition Core Rulebook).


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