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Hasbro's Questions & Answers #59

Posted by Chuck | August 15, 2008 at 07:17 PM ET

    It's time for a Clone Wars movie premiere edition of Hasbro's Questions and Answers! Click here for all the latest...

     Don't forget, you can submit questions in our forums and we'll try to get as many as possible submitted to Hasbro. We can send only three questions per week, so make sure they are good ones! Now, on to this weeks Questions and Answers directly from Hasbro.

Q. In previous Q&A sessions we saw confirmation that an Obi-Wan Kenobi Evolutions 3-pack had been in development, but the set was split up and the Obi-Wan figures were to be divided out into the Basic Figure line.  We saw the EPISODE 4 version in the San Diego Comic Con presentation, and would appreciate any further updates or imagery on that figure.  But what can you tell us about the other two Obi-Wans from that Evoltions set?  When might we expect them, and is a sneak peek a possibility?

A. They are both slotted into the 2009 lineup as "anchor" figures for key waves. Sorry, no images are available right now.

Q. The Millenium Falcon passengers Battle Pack looks like a great way for both kids and collectors to enjoy the new BMF Millenium Falcon.  The addition of the oxygen masks, blast shield helmet and cargo containers is icing on the cake.  But what about some of the other major players in the Millenium Falcon?  Some obvious characters come to mind that would go great with our new Falcons, such as a Bespin Han Solo, Princess Leia in Hoth gear, and Nien Nunb.  Is there any chance that we'll see updated versions of any of these three characters in the near future by way of the Basic Figure line?

A. It's a good bet that all of these guys will be getting updated figures within the next couple of years.

Q. We asked in a previous Q&A session about the Clone Wars era Y-Wing, and Hasbro's response seems to have been pretty positive.  Since that session, the DK reference book STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS - THE VISUAL GUIDE has been released and shows Anakin and Ahsoka in some intense action in a Y-Wing.  Does this give the Clone Wars Y-Wing a better shot at being in next year's vehicle lineup?  And if it comes to pass, how about a functional droid socket?

A. It does give it a better shot at getting made eventually. No word right now on timing. As far as a droid slot that would be a great idea, and a mandatory feature if such a vehicle did eventually happen.

Check back in a few weeks and we'll post the next round of Questions (and answers) as soon as Hasbro offers them.


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