Posted by Paul | February 22, 2009 at 09:58 PM ET
Check out the latest update from Autograph Bounty Hunter!
Keeping up with the current technologies, it was about time I revamped the mailing
list's free newsletter for you. This will be the new look of the Bounty Hunter
update. I hope you like it! Lily Nyamwasa Lily has just informed me that she has received the parcel with the photos, action
figures and posters. She will be signing the
items later this week and then send them back to me as soon as possibe. That way,
I can get the Ahmed Best signing finalized. Indiana Jones prop can be yours! If you would like to get a shot at the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom skull
that will be offered through the raffle at the Kiwanis-force-event, please get
in touch with me as soon as possible. To make sure that everything happens fair and square (so that I don't switch your
winning ticket with mine :-)), I will be assisted by several crewmembers of Star
Force Events. They will keep track of all the ballots purchased in your name. There is a catch... If you
win the prop, you'll need to be willing to pay $75 to get it FedEx'd to your
location with insurance. The Robert Watts' signed COA will be enclosed, of course. Ahmed Best offer closing After some delays - mainly due to unforseen delays in previous signings with Eliana
Dona and Lily Nyamwasa - the offer for Ahmed Best is finally closing for real. On 27th February, all your send-in items and payments must be received! After
Lily returns the items, they will go directly to Mr Best in California (USA).
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