Special Action Figure Sets To Debut Tomorrow (Or They Should At Least)
Date: July 28, 2012 at 11:47 PM ET
Topic: Hasbro

Tomorrow is the official day for the TARGET exclusive Special Action Figure Sets to appear on store shelves. (Your mileage WILL vary.) But if you're lucky like JTA youngling Bailey, you many have found them today! He writes in with a cool store report. A brand new TARGET store opened up in TN. Click through for his report and what he found!

My family and I were on our way to Gatlinburg, TN for a weekend vacation. We drove from Nashville and by the time we were at Knoxville, all of us were hungry. We stopped at Wendy's. We saw a new Target (being me, I always like to see others Target stores. Have to thank my dad for that, he works at Target). It opened on Tuesday and its grand opening is Sunday. They had the new Star Wars LEGOs set. They only new Hasbro Star Wars they had were the BPs and the special Action fig set. This was the Knoxville South store for anyone who lives around here.

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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