Yakface And JTA Present: TCW R2-D2 (CW05)
Date: March 09, 2013 at 07:29 AM ET
Topic: Research Droids Reviews

Yakface.com and JediTempleArchives.com are excited to team up together and present our readers with a comprehensive look at figures from the final wave of the animated The Clone Wars line. If you count each wave beginning with the inaugural 2008 wave, would you believe that this marks the 29th wave overall? Amazing how far we've come and how terribly sad that we've finally reached the end.

Today we look at R2-D2 together. Be sure to check JTA’s Research Droids Review and study our Visual Guide on the figure by clicking the banner below, but also check out Yakface.com's Toyguide HERE. We have provided for you an incredibly complete look at these awesome figures that sadly won't be coming to American collectors, unless a miracle happens. (We don't expect a miracle.) Enjoy!

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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