Q and A of the Day: Day 45
Date: January 19, 2014 at 05:21 PM ET
Topic: Q&A of the Day

Welcome to our next Q and A of the Day post! This column will be published daily, weekly, monthly, or just based on how many questions I get emailed – but no more than one a day. Feel free to send in your questions and I will put them in the queue. Click through for Q and A of the Day: Day 45. Topic: DaGeDar

Q: What ever happened with the Star Wars Dagedar toys? I remember seeing a post about them close to a year ago but then only ever saw them in stores one time. From what I was able to see they only had a limited run. Do you know anything about them? (Ian G.)

A: DaGeDar was test-marketed in a few TARGET and Toys R Us locations, and it was intended after that run to be a Toys R Us exclusive. That being said, however, Toys R Us has no Star Wars themed DaGeDar products available on their site. With all of the fierce retail competition there is, it looks like that the Star Wars brand might have lost out completely. I would encourage you to contact them at their site for more information right HERE.

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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