Status: Princess Leia is a straight repack of 2020's Hot Toys Sixth Scale Princess Leia (MMS549) figure. The included accessories are the same.
Accessory Details: 3 left hands, 3 right hands, 4 flesh-colored wrist joints, watch, poncho, belt, blaster pistol, removable hair piece, Endor helmet, specially designed figure stand with nameplate (3 parts), 2 bushes (diorama accessories attachable to the figure base)
Status: Wicket is a straight repack of 2020's Hot Toys Sixth Scale Wicket (MMS550) figure. This time, exclusive Stormtooper and Death Star Trooper weathered helmets are included.
Accessory Details: 3 left hands, 2 right hands, 4 brown wrist joints, 2 drumsticks, brown-colored hood with weathering effect, spear, specially designed figure stand with nameplate (3 parts), 1 bush (diorama accessory attachable to the figure base)
Exclusive Accessory Details: Stormtooper helmet with weathering effect, Death Star Trooper helmet with weathering effect