Crowd Control Stormtrooper (Hasbro - POTF2 Deluxe Figures) -

Name: Crowd Control Stormtrooper

Collection: The Power of the Force [Red] (Deluxe Figures))

Source: Expanded Universe (Hasbro Concept)

Availability: 1996

License: Hasbro

Retail: $7.99 USD

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Figure and Accessory Information:

Flight-Action Thruster Pack And Capture Claw

Status: Flight-Action Thruster Pack And Capture Claw is an all-new accessory.

Feature Details: action claw, fold out wings, articulated controls

Accessories: None


Crowd Control Stormtrooper

Status: Crowd Control Stormtrooper is an all-new figure.

Accessories: None


Visual Guide Credits

Image Composite: Chuck Paskovics
Photography: Paul Harrison
Graphics, Page Layout & Design: Chuck Paskovics
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