Rebel Soldier (Hoth) (The Black Series 40th Anniversary) -

Name: Rebel Soldier (Hoth)

Collection: The Black Series [The Empire Stikes Back 40]

Scale: 6 Inch

Status: Rebel Soldier (Hoth) is an all-new figure.

Source: The Empire Strikes Back

Availability: May 2020

License: Hasbro

Retail: $19.99 USD

Accessory Details: goggles, interchangeable scarf, survival backpack, survival backpack compartment door, intercheangeable "clean-shaven" likeness face plate, intercheangeable "bearded" likeness face plate, BlasTech A280 blaster rifle, DH-17 blaster

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Visual Guide Credits

Image Composite: Chuck Paskovics
Photography: Paul Harrison
Graphics, Page Layout & Design: Chuck Paskovics
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