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Aaron Allston Book Signing – Lexington, KY
by Chuck Paskovics
March 24, 2009

Aaron Allston Booksigning

Aaron Allston kicked off both the Fate of the Jedi series and his Outcast booksigning tour in Lexington, KY. Fans came out in force to hear what he had to say about the new series. After a brief talk about his history with writing in the Star Wars EU he had a question and answer session, then happily signed everyones books for the next few hours.

Members of the 501st were there to escort Mr. Allston to the briefing room, and members of the KSWCC were there to show their support as well. It was nice to see fans of all ages on hand, and to see Star Wars staying strong even after all these years!

For more information on this new series of books, stop by the official Fate of the Jedi site, and stop by Aaron Allston's home page for additional tour information.

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