
Star Wars Experience
2007 – Baltimore Comic Con
by Peter Hauerstein
September 8-9, 2007 |
This weekend's Baltimore Comic Con marked the 8th year that
the event took place and the first time that, thanks to Diamond Comics, it drew a
very nice contingent of Star Wars fans to the show. The draw for us was the last
in the series of the Clone Commander World Tour from Gentle Giant, Commander Bacara.
He was available at the show both Saturday (150 pieces) and Sunday (100) and as you
can imagine they sold out long before the last people in line had a chance to grab
the Star Wars prize of the show. Thanks to the Gentle Giant Premier Guild pre-order
though, anyone who is a serious Star Wars Gentle Giant collector was not left out
as Gentle Giant made the trek across the country to set up a booth to distribute
the mini-busts to the Premier Guild faithful.
A show that is known for it's strong comics presence did not disappoint those folks
who came to pick up some of those missing books from the collection or to meet us
with an impressive array of artists, writers and special guests. And for those of
you looking to pick up some items missing from that Star Wars collection there were
deals to be found there as well. It seemed like the Gentle Giant presence prompted
a number of vendors to bring along their Gentle Giant and Sideshow collectibles to
the show and all of us that headed down came back with at least one fantastic deal
if not more!
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