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Star Wars Experience � 2007 New York Comic Con
by Peter Hauerstein

February 23-25, 2007
This year the New York Comic Con moved to a much bigger venue inside the Jacob Javits Center in New York City and it proved to be a great move since the joint was still packed and we all had a wider selection of vendors to check out during the show.

The great part for all Star Wars fans was that Acme Archives made a showing and they brought with them a huge selection of their product for show and for sale. They debuted their first Character Key of the new line with the likeness of Princess Leia in her slave gear and it was a winner as it sold out at the con and on line in the matter of a few days. For those of you in love with the Clone Wars line keep your eye out for the last few to come your way before the finite line of 16 comes to an end and makes way for the new. The new line won't just cover the OT either...expect to have the chance to add character keys from the Prequels and maybe even the Expanded Universe!

Acme also has a number of their Original Production Art and Limited Editions on hand as well as a fair number of Giclees including a more than impressive Chewbacca. If you have never seen a Giclee in person just know that the price tag is well worth it.

Del Rey was also on site and they were showing off their entire current Star Wars line including the Legacy of the Force series, The Making of Star Wars, Allegiance (with Timothy Zahn on hand 2 days too!) and more, including a special booklet highlighting the complete list of Del Rey Star Wars publications as a celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars!

Those of you looking for autographs were not disappointed either as Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett) and Ray Park (Darth Maul) were in attendance in addition to Timothy Zahn being on hand at the Del Rey booth.

The 30th Anniversary line made appearances at a number of vendor booths as well as the usual array of great Star Wars product from action figures to Kotobukiya, Vintage goodies and more, including, of course all the comics you were looking for!!

Any Star Wars fan would hope that the Acme Archives and Del Rey presence at the show inspires other companies that make the Star Wars product we all know and love to make the trek next year. The fact that the show will move to April should inspire a larger Star Wars presence since it will be much further removed from Toy Fair and folks won't have to make the trek two times in a three week span. So...until next year!!

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