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Ohio Star Wars Collector's Club Summer Social 2005    
by Chuck Paskovics
July 16, 2005

     The OSWCC had their annual summer social in Cincinatti, OH today, and they were nice enough to invite us KSWCC members to join in the fun! The big event was held at the Oakley Masonic Jedi Temple and there was plenty enough to keep any Jedi busy! Some of the activities included video gaming, a mini's tournament, kid's games, food at Dex's Diner, and, of course, the Jawa Swap Meet! Collectibles ranging from early vintage to ROTS populated the tables, and at awesome prices. If you walked out empty handed, you simply were NOT a Star Wars collector (I myself made at least 4 trips to the car!) My two padawans walked away with a bounty hunter's bounty!

     The highlight of the afternoon was VIP guest James Swearingen, a former Kenner employee, who brought in enough concept drawings and prototype photographs to make a jawa drool! Also, Steve Denny was nice enough to unload a bag full of a rare vintage prototype POTF coin onto the "free items" table! This alone made the trip north worth while! You can have a look at that coin in the toysrgus archive.

     Along with all of the socializing and buying/selling, the OSWCC had an awesome raffle! Dustin Roberts from Rebelscum hosted the giveaway, and there were prizes galore! A BIG thanks to all of the sponsors that donated all of the prizes! I didn't walk away with any of the big prizes, but I did manage to win a small CIII kit from, which included a CIII hotel keycard that I happened to still need (only one more to go!) Some of the other cool items raffled off were foreign ROTS one-sheets, Master Replica scaled sabers, CIII posters and prints, a Gentle Giant CIII exclusive bust, and a Master Replicas Force F/X saber! That is just to name a few.

     Again, a big thanks to OSWCC for inviting us Kentucky boys to the party. You can check out the KSWCC guys in the pictures below, they are the ones in the bright red shirts!

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