Darth Vader - Hasbro - The Power of the Force [FlashBack/CommTech] (1998)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Tag Archives: affiliate news

Jedi News Asks Hasbro About The Paploo Card Back In Their Q&A

Our friends over at Jedi News had a Q&A with the Hasbro team and asked the question about the Paploo card back that we brought up a few weeks back. Head over to the full Q&A to find out if any changes are coming… (spoiler alert: they’re not).

Posted in Hasbro
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Excellent Ashley Eckstein Interview On Rebel Force Radio!

Our good friends at Rebel Force Radio have just released a brand new podcast featuring the wonderful Ashley Eckstein, who will always be the original Ahsoka Tano! Check it out!

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Rebel Force Radio Interviews Derryl DePriest

Our good friends at Rebel Force Radio have just posted a fantastic interview with Derryl DePriest, who is authoring the highly-anticipated The VIntage Collection Archive Book. Give it a listen. It will be worth your time.

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What is Worse: The Fool, or the Fool Who Follows Him?

Or which is worse, the first wave of repacks or the wave of repacks that follow them? Our friends at banthaskull.com have posted an article citing sources that are reporting something different than a rumor we posted about a month ago. Click through for more…

Why have Snoke in 1 piece when you can repack him in 2?

Full Story

Posted in The Vintage Collection
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