Luke Skywalke (#01) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase I] (2013)
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Tag Archives: Aftermarket Values

The Black Series On The Aftermarket

I talked about ebay prices for The Black Series and The Vintage Collection recently and today I stumbled upon a very informative website that will be extremely helpful to anyone who is chasing figures on the aftermarket or wants to sell their figures and gauge demand: Actionfigure411.

This website tracks aftermarket prices for various Hasbro toylines, GI Joe Classified, Marvel Legends, Transformers Masterpieces and, of particular interest to Star Wars fans, it has a complete list of all Black Series releases, both 6 inch and 3.75 inch, including the Walmart exclusives. The site doesn’t just track prices on ebay, Amazon and Walmart are also tracked, giving you a very comprehensive overview.

On the website you not only see a detailed price table with all figures ever released in the Black Series, you also can display charts that visualize how aftermarket prices developed over time. The site also tells you how many figures were sold in recent times and what the high and low price were. The data is updated daily. Unfortunately, for TVC collectors, there is only very incomplete data for TVC 2.0. But the data tells us a few interesting things about the popularity of various Black Series figures. So click through for a closer look at The Black Series on the aftermarket, I will also talk about 3.75 inch figures!

General Hux is a winner

General Hux is a winner

Full Story

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Do you remember THIS HUGE SURPRISE from a couple of years ago that shockingly showed up online (as well as a few random loose figures at store locations)? The full case assortment doesn’t even make an appearance on eBay anymore. How many of the couple hundred collectors who bought the complete set online still have their set? Hasbro denied that any were produced and released, yet a couple of hundred cases made its way to Calendars. It’s a terrible shame this collection got canceled. It was home to the yet-to-be-released Clone Captain Rex and A-wing Pilot in addition to the Build A Droid R5-X2 and R8-B7. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Hasbro finally got all four of those remaining figures released one day? You can see all of the officially released Legacy Collection [2] figures in detail HERE.

Posted in eBay, Hasbro
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The Power Of The Force "Too" Expensive!

Ouch! Have you checked the prices on various POTF”2″ stuff recently? Because Research Droids Reviews are winding down to a close, I felt obligated to add some key items that currently are missing from the database. As I don’t have a lot of the items anymore, it necessitates rebuying them…. on the eBay aftermarket no less. Believing that POTF2 stuff has always existed in a “dime a dozen” fashion since its inception, I was shocked to see the prices sellers are trying to get on this classic gold. See it for yourself! Oh man, folks, I don’t know if I am getting to that Millennium Falcon!

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Well, from the various Hasbro interactions at SDCC this year, it seems that you can kiss away any chance of getting Fenn Rau (for a while at least). Just look at this loose one and how much it sold for today on eBay. It’s absolute insanity!

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It's Just A Repack On A New And Ugly Card Back

Do you want to throw up in your mouth a little? While that question may be rhetorical, it’s likely what will happen when you looks at what the SWCO exclusive Luke Skywalker (X-wing Fighter Pilot) figure is going for on eBay. I totally never saw this one coming. Ridiculous. Thanks to JTA reader Aldo S. for alerting us to this madness. See active listings HERE and be sure to check out the completed ones too!

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Hasbro Allows The Aftermarket To Dictate Fenn Rau Values

What’s the deal with Fenn Rau? You can’t really find him cheaper than $40 on eBay. And so far in the USA he’s the sole figure in the last Rogue One wave that hasn’t been offered as a solid case pack. We have reached out to Hasbro TWICE about this figure and as of this post have received no answer regarding his status. It’s almost as if they don’t mind that you pay this much for him. My gut is that he will be carried forward into The Last Jedi line (by their non-response), but I don’t have complete confidence on that. If you click below, you will see the desperation for this figure as so many have no qualms about paying this much per figure. Special thanks to JTA reader Gman G. for alerting us to this obscene auction on eBay.

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