Emperor Palpatine Clone / Luke Skywalker (Dark Empire #1) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2008)
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Tag Archives: backtvc

Toy Run Tuesday #47 - Custom Cardback

Welcome back to another fine Tuesday everyone! I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend. I worked on my yard, did a bbq, and made some progress on some custom figures. This week I want to share a custom cardback Wade K from the TVC group on Facebook did for my purge trooper. Check it out here

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How Sustainable Is The Black Series?

Yes, this is part of the #fightforTVC campaign, but I pose this as a legitimate question to 6″ Black Series collectors. For over 40 years, 3.75″ action figures have dominated the Star Wars collecting market. Only a few years ago, the 6″ Black Series line entered the scene, and has since grown into a line with many new figures per year and a large collecting group. But how long can it continue? Is collecting 6″ figures sustainable? Let’s explore a few reasons why it may not be…

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