There is a new short Disneyland Resort YouTube video, which is not listed yet on the channel, that will give you another good look at Galaxy’s Edge. All you have to do is add a lot more people to the scenes in the video to know what it’s like to walk the alleyways of Batuu or to relax in the local cantina. It does look amazing and the design certainly breathes Star Wars.
Now the only remaining question is how much fun it will be to share this experience with countless other people while the kids are thirsty, hungry or both. Some of the alleyways look rather narrow, I wonder how many people will be admitted to Galaxy’s Edge at the same time. Galaxy’s Edge opens May 31st, but only visitors with a reservation can go to Batuu. So maybe Disney will limit the number of people who can visit the theme park to make the experience less stressful. There is no Fastpass available for the rides and you can’t make any reservations for the Cantina, this will probably only work if not too many people crowd Galaxy’s Edge at once or else some frustration would be guaranteed. To avoid overcrowding Disney will enforce a time limit, visitors have a four hour time limit and have to wear colored wristbands that will keep track of time. Once your time is up Stormtroopers will escort you off Batuu. Disney doesn’t say however, what will happen if guests resist the Stormtroopers. Will actual security drag visitors away or will the Stormtroopers simply open fire? Should any of you go to Galaxy’s Edge please send us your experience reports and photos!
The beautiful music composed by John Williams for Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge has been released in a buyable format. Purchase it through Amazon, iTunes, or Google Play. Or if you’re like me and don’t buy individual songs anymore, listen to it on Spotify here.
The Galaxy’s Edge panel is currently taking place at Star Wars celebration, and only a few minutes ago CNN Business posted an exclusive article about bringing Coke products to a galaxy far, far away. More…
A lot of news surrounding Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge attraction has surfaced in the last couple days. Earlier we posted about the upcoming merchandise you may find in the streets of Batuu, but there is so much more to the land than just what you can buy. TechCrunch was able to interview Disney Portfolio Executive at Walt Disney Imagineering, Scott Trowbridge, and he provides us with some amazing insight into the world of Galaxy’s Edge. If you were wondering what their thought process was behind creating a new planet, you’ll want to read more.
io9 has shared an intriguing excerpt from the upcoming Thrawn sequel novel. Click through to find out more.
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