Yesterday at the Hasbro panel at SWC, they announced a few pipeline figures for The Vintage Collection. All three were solid reveals that we’ve been waiting for a while to have in the line. Hunter from the Bad Batch has already been made in The Black Series, and while most fans were excited for the figure, it’s eventual repaint into Delta Squad was not well received due to the stylized sculpt. We need to make sure that the upcoming TVC version doesn’t make this same mistake…
This last week was a good collecting week! I got some great toy deals for both new and old toys. I’d love to see what you collected this week. Please take a look and comment by clicking here.
GameSpot has revealed four new figures available for preorder on September 24th, 2021. Check out their article for the main reveal. What do you think of these repaints? As far as gimmicks go, this one is pretty good!
Hello Toy Runners! This week I visited a few more toy stores and found a few good fodder figures for cheap at the Tucson Tanque Verde swap meet. Click here for some photos as well as an announcement about the theme of TRT #100.
Good evening Toy Runners. It’s still Tuesday where I am, so I’m letting this one slide. This week was pretty fun when it came to collecting. Please click through and find out why!
A couple weeks back I posted that I got a grail piece in my collection: the Black Series Shock Trooper Helmet. This week I’m pleased to say that I was able to add another grail piece to my collection. The title is your answer, but there is more to the story. I also received an awesome photo from the client who I made those 2 ARC troopers for. Click through for my week in Star Wars, and let us know what you added to your collection this week in the comments!
Hello, fellow toy runners. A small update from me this week. We are getting ready to move so much of my collection is starting to get packed away! Any big additions to your collections this week? Let us know in the comments.
This last week was fantastic for toy running! I have a ton of photos to share with you. My father and I went to several collector shops in the Phoenix area over the weekend. There were tons of Star Wars toys to look at and some great deals to be had. Click here to see what I mean!
Welcome back to Tuesday everyone. At least it’s not Monday! Just a minor update from me this week. How about you? Did you work on any new dioramas or custom figures? Get anything in the mail? Load up on $2.50 Snokes and Jyn’s from Walmart? Let us know how your week in Star Wars went in the comments!
I’ve started down the rabbit hole of Marvel Legends figures recently, so I’ve started following The Fwoosh for news in that regard. They write the occasional Star Wars article as well, and today they posted a wonderful video about all the various 6″ Darth Vader figures on the market. In addition to reporting the news of an upcoming Figuarts Vader, we have reviewed several Darth Vader figures in great detail, so click through for The Fwoosh’s video as well as links to our reviews.
A thanks to Disqus commenter TopMonkey for this heads up. We initially reviewed Han, Lando, and Qi’ra from Solo back in April. So far these figures have not sold through everywhere, and their Amazon values attest to their diminished popularity. So, in an attempt to reignite some interest, Hasbro sent GeekTyrant some promo figures for review. The reviewer is a collector himself, so he has some valuable thoughts regarding these figures… Full Story
Action Figure Junkies (AFJ) posted an article yesterday with an interesting idea. What if Hasbro produced a 6″ line of GI Joe figures? Click through for some Star Wars related commentary… Full Story
Last October, we posted an article in conjunction with Peakob1 Customs about the ideal list of figures from The Clone Wars you’d like to see in The Vintage Collection. Steve Evans has posted a similar question on instagram today. We want to hear your top figures you want to see from The Clone Wars, now that it is returning for one last season! Click through to leave some comments…
A full review with all details by Paul will follow, but I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the Mimban Stormtrooper who is, in my opinion, a fantastic figure! Click through for a first look!
UPDATE: This figure is now officially in our RDRs database! Check it out HERE.
The Black Series line is rich with exclusives in 2018. We have Chewbacca, the Mimban Stormtrooper, the Gamorrean Guard, Commander Wolffe, hopefully Zuckuss will be sold somewhere too.
There may be some need for exclusives, from a business standpoint, however, for anyone not living in the USA exclusives are what sucks the joy out of collecting. Some exclusives never make it to other territories, and when they do, they come at a price… Read more after the jump!
If you missed out on these figures, Amazon has them in-stock for just about retail price. Make sure to follow the links to pick up these really great figures. Be sure to check out the Research Droid Reviews as well!
Death Trooper Amazon RDR
Emperors Royal Guard Amazon RDR
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