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Tag Archives: Book Report

Growing Up Star Wars: A ROTJ Book Report From 1984

My parents are gearing up to head south to their new home in the coming week. And they cleared out the stuff they held onto for almost four decades. I had to share one of the gems I found in my newly delivered “care” package from Mom and Dad.

Book reports were a monthly thing in my elementary school district. I imagine it was the same for you too. Teachers discouraged us from doing book reports on films for obvious reasons. But I begged my 4th-grade teacher Ms. Rucki to allow me to do one on “Return Of The Jedi,” She relented.

Because of her grace, I decided to do everything I could to make the best book report cover and the content inside. I remember analyzing every nook and cranny of the cover of the paperback to make as faithful a recreation as possible.  In retrospect, I must say I am still proud of the grade I got! I thought this book report ended up in a dumpster somewhere. It was a huge surprise to receive it today in the mail.

If you have anything “artsy” from your childhood, feel free to post it in the comments for a nostalgic discussion of “growing up Star Wars.”

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