Tusken Raider - Hasbro - The Power of the Force [Red] (1996)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Tag Archives: Boushh

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The next two cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set are now out. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out General Rieekan (#209) and Boussh (#210). Each Tuesday, two new cards will be released and be only available for one week. Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.


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In 1984, new packaging for Star Wars figures was introduced for the European market. A cost containment initiative, the new packaging sported three languages of the Return Of The Jedi logo for a “one size fits all” approach. Although a “three-logo” design was created for The Power Of The Force line (as evidenced on some ‘boxed’ toys), it wasn’t carried over to the basic figure line’s card design. They continued to use the three Return Of The Jedi logos instead. Although the word “Trilogo” is found nowhere on the packaging, the term is universally adopted by all Star Wars collectors to describe this line of figures.

Today we revisit Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise). For the Trilogo art, the color has been darkened a bit. Also, they changed the character’s name to Boushh. Other than that, not much changed from the 1983 ROTJ Kenner card art to the Trilogo card art. See the full card art and additional notes by revisiting 1983’s RETURN OF THE JEDI Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise) figure HERE.


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