Rey (Jakku) & BB-8 (02) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase III] (2015)
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Tag Archives: Clearance

GameStop The Black Series Clearance Sale

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GameStop currently has some huge markdowns for many of their earlier Gaming Greats figures, as well as some other figures from The Black Series line. Also marked down are Retro Collection figures. Click through to check out what’s available!

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We’re not sure if this is a single store markdown or not. And we have NO IDEA how widespread this is. But we have evidence that the Retro Collection is on clearance at this Walmart location for 50% off. Many (most?) of us haven’t even seen this collection of figures enter their brick and mortar locations, let alone on sale. It’s not even the end of May, and this latest find makes us believe that Walmart is over the 40th Anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back already. Thanks to JTA reader Thomas H. for the report and image.

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Here is a sad story. $10 Tatooine Skiffs. $3 TVC figures. $20 TBS helmets. Hasbro is holding a two day warehouse sale in Carlisle, PA and they have great deals on some recent collectibles. Why didn’t they offer these deals online to all collectors? Imperial Holocron has the full story.

Posted in Hasbro

TVC Imperial Combat Assault Tank For $36 At

For those interested, has The Vintage Collection Imperial Combat Assault Tank on clearance for $36. 

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JTA reader Idealistic Crusader found the former TARGET exclusive Han Solo (Stormtrooper) figure at a local independent discount store for $4 apiece. I imagine we’ll be hearing and seeing more of these reports as time moves forward. Click through for more!

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Walmart Begins Markdowns for The Vintage Collection

While Brickseek isn’t always reliable when it comes to inventory quantities, it’s usually pretty good in letting you know the price of an item in store (if it’s there at all…). It looks like Walmart has begun marking down Vintage Collection figures. Most stores in my area are $9.87. Let us know if you find figures at a lower price point in the comments!

46 figures… and at least 10 are Snoke. Any bets on how long it will take to clear the pegs?

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Let's Move Away From 5POA Because This Is Not OK!

A discount store by the name of Roses is getting in hordes of unsold Rogue One products. Most notably, the basic figures are $1.99 each. You can click THIS LINK and see if there is a store near you. JTA reader and friend Josh M. sends us an image of the proof. What’s disconcerting about this is that Rogue One and The Last Jedi products are arriving at so many discount retailers. It’s almost if there isn’t a big enough audience to support 5POA Star Wars action figures. Please Hasbro, move away from 5POA and focus on getting all of the characters in super-articulated status. Thank you.

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You have to wonder if The Last Jedi was such a “masterpiece” as some claim it is why the merchandising of it is in the toilet. (That’s not a dig at the film. I didn’t hate it as YouTube does.) While I think both extreme unbridled praise as well as volatile criticism of the film are a tad ridiculous, I can’t deny how poorly the merchandising performed (and in all honesty, this is where the real money comes into play). How many of us actually found the final wave of 3.75″ The Black Series [Phase III] exclusives? I have seen more reports of no one finding them than finding them. And if we did see retailer exclusives, how many of them clogged up shelf space until discounted and eventually removed? JTA reader Scot G. found some key “The Last Jedi” exclusives at his local Tuesday Morning store along with other unsellable stuff. Hopefully, the next film will be a marketing juggernaut.


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The Black Series [Phase III] 6" Dewback As Low As $15

Another item you should be looking for on clearance at your local Walmart is The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Dewback. Some readers, like Tony P., have found it for $15. Where are all of the 6″ collectors?

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Walmart Whackadoodlage: TVC Still on Clearance

Keep checking your local Walmart clearance aisle’s folks. I found the entire wave (bought the Hoth trooper) for $11. This is the first time I had seen the full wave at any Walmart in my area. I’ve seen other reports of people finding them for even less than $11 (no pics, sorry).

I’m in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. – Anakin

Posted in The Vintage Collection
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BREAKING NEWS! Toys R Us Liquidation Starts Thursday 3/22

USA today posted a new article outlining the liquidation plan for the closing specialty toy store. 

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There are some great deals being found still at Walmarts around the US. Click through to find out more!

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Some Walmarts Drop Prices On TBS6 Speeders AGAIN!

Only a couple weeks after their release, Walmart dropped the prices of The Black Series 6″ Centerpieces from $49.99 to $34.99 and The Black Series 6″ Rey and Luke Speeders from $59.99 down to $44.99. Now, it seems that Walmart are lowering the prices of the Speeders once again. JTA Reader DLane5871 shares a find at a local Walmart in Durham, NC. Both Rey and Luke Speeders were dropped to a mere $30! At this price, I would happily grab a couple more (I must admit, they make excellent display pieces). Have you see these prices near you or in another store? Let us know!


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Target Exclusives On Clearance

As we all know, we’re getting closer to Force Friday which not only means new products to chase and drive ourselves crazy over, but it also means we can save some money on the things we held out on! has put a TON of products on clearance including these exclusives. The Star Wars Saga 7-Pack is on sale for $19.98,  The Kylo Ren VS Rey 18″ 2-pack is $22.48, and the TFA BB-8, Threepio, and R0-4LO is only $14.48! There’s also a ton of other goodies on there as well.

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Walmart Slashing Prices On The Legacy Pack

JTA reader Allen found a ton of 40th Anniversary Legacy Packs marked down at his local Walmart in Smithfield, RI. According to Allen, they are marked down to a mere $15! I know my local Walmarts have more than 20 of these each and they have yet to even mark them down at all. My Walmarts don’t have ANY of the Star Wars figures marked down yet…Which is strange. Have you found the Legacy Pack this cheap yet in your area? Let us know!

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TRU 3-Day Clearance Event is having a 3-day clearance event. Best part is you can get an EXTRA 20% off by using promo code CLEARANCE20. Take a peek at all the Star Wars items they have on clearance and maybe save a few bucks.


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The Good, The Bad, And The Unacceptable at Target

A couple things to discuss about Target today. In Targets, in what seems like all over the country, they are clearancing out a TON of Star Wars items. I know my Target in Milltown, NJ has begun putting almost everything on clearance except for a few notable items such as the TBS Rogue One 3-pack and the Rhino Tank Driver.  We also received some images from readers on discounted items which you can view below. Which the good comes the bad.  Check out the shipping horror story that Jason experienced after the jump

Update: More shipping damages! See below.

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Walmart Is Clearing Shelves Across The Country

It seems like every day we get a new report of clearance items at Walmart stores throughout the US with ever-decreasing prices. It seems to be a large push of what looks like every Star Wars product in their toy aisles from The Black Series 6″ & 3.75″ to 5POA and everything in between. Is this happening at your local Walmarts? Click through to see some examples.

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A Jedi Walked Into A Target...

….and saw himself on sale for less than 5 bucks! I’m not good at telling jokes, so thankfully this isn’t one. How would you like to pay under $5 for some great The Black Series 6″ figures? Well, JTA reader JediRebel77 shares with us quite a find at a local Target store. Even though we all love to find a deal, Target REALLY needs to make some changes to the way they handle inventory for Star Wars figures. Click through to see what kind of deals we’re seeing.

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It Might Be Time To Begin Stalking HTS's eBay Store

It might be time to start really paying attention to Hasbro Toy Shop’s eBay store. They’ve taken new markdowns on products that have been full price until now, including TBS6 figures. It will be interesting to see how low these will go….

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Meijer Puts ALL Star Wars Products On Clearance

If you happen to live near a Meijer, you’re in for some savings. They’re apparently putting ALL Star Wars products on clearance including 6″ 40th Anniversary, Legacy Pack, 40th Anniversary Die-cast, and much much more. Thanks to JTA Facebook reader Tanner M. for the heads up!


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Hasbro Toy Shop’s eBay store still has some great deals and they start as low as $1.50. Be sure to browse the deals as you never know what you might find for dirt cheap!

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