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Tag Archives: Colin Trevorrow

Read The Colin Trevorrow Episode IX Script!

The script for Colin Trevorrow’s Episode IX has finally appeared online! It was leaked a while ago, but until now fans had no access to the script itself and had to rely on other people summarizing it. But earlier today a Twitter user posted a link to a file hoster that will allow you to download the full script! I downloaded the script and checked it, it seems legit. It’s the version from December 16, 2016, shortly before Carrie Fisher passed away. I cannot post a link here, but I will point you to the Tweet that will give you the download link. Just click here to go to the Tweet! You’d better hurry if you want to read it before Lucasfilm has the link removed!

Episode IX concept art

Concept art from Trevorrow’s Episode IX

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More Concept Art From Trevorrow's Episode IX Has Surfaced

A short while ago several pieces of concept art from Trevorrow’s “Duel of the Fates” Episode IX appeared on the internet. And now even more concept art has surfaced and it offers a fascinating glimpse at the Star Wars movie that never was. Click through for some highlights and see what could have been…

Kylo Ren facing an ancient Sith temple

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A Look At The Episode IX That Never Was

You probably heard about the leaked Episode IX script that was originally meant to be filmed by Colin Trevorrow – Star Wars Episode IX: Duel of the Fates. The story would have been very different if that movie had ever seen the light of day. Rey would have still been a nobody and Luke would have had a more active role. Kylo would have been killed in the end by Rey, he was irredeemable. No Emperor was involved. And now concept art from the early Episode IX version has surfaced! Click through for a look at the Star Wars movie that never was!

Luke Skywalker blocks Kylo Ren’s lightsaber with his hand

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Even though Solo is currently in cinemas and dominates the news, there is some Episode IX tidbit today. Colin Trevorrow, who was originally slated to direct Episode IX, has recently given an interview to Empire Magazine. And while he did not go into details, he had at least something to say about his work for Lucasfilm and his version of Episode IX. And then Colin Trevorrow tweeted something that might let us all know what he thinks of current Star Wars. Mark Hamill chimed in too!  Click through for more details.

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Trevorrow Is Out: Could Rian Johnson Or J.J. Abrams Take Over?

Colin Trevorrow’s dismissal from Star Wars: Episode IX  has left Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy searching for a replacement, and it looks like they may turn to a familiar face. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Rian Johnson and J.J. Abrams are the top choices to replace Trevorrow. Furthermore, their sources indicate that continued issues with the script led to the Trevorrow’s dismissal. At the moment, Rian Johnson seems like the most likely candidate. Johnson is a well respected writer and may be better suited to finish the script. The word is that Johnson was a perfect fit for The Last Jedi and had a seamless working relationship with Lucasfilm.  It makes sense that Lucasfilm would want to work with him again. What do you think about the possibility of Rian Johnson or J.J. Abrams returning to direct Episode IX? Let us Know!

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Hollywood Reporter: Episode IX Gets A New Writer

The Hollywood Reporter has published an exclusive story that goes on to explain that British writer Jack Thorne will retool the treatment/script that was written by Trevorrow and his writing partner. According to the article sources say “a fresh pair of eyes was needed”. Uh-oh. Better get Maaco! Check it out and let us know your thoughts. Fake news? Or a shovel of truth to the face?

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Recently, Trevorrow’s newest film The Book of Henry was screened in Italy at the Ischia Global Film Festival where he received the ‘Breakout Director’ Award. This had a lot of critics and fans alike on edge after the poor reviews and the question was brought up once again; Is Trevorrow the right man for the job? The Hollywood Reporter recently sat down with the director, click through to see what he has to say.

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The Irish Examiner published a couple of articles where Colin Trevorrow  made some brief comments on Star Wars: Episode IX when he was speaking with the press association for his latest film, The Book of Henry. Click through to see what the Episode XI Director had to say about our dear Princess.

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Seems as though Colin Trevorrow followed in Rian Johnson’s footsteps and asked for a small favor of the current Star Wars director. Just as Rian Johnson asked J.J. Abrams to have R2-D2 go with Rey to Ach-To and leave BB-8 behind, Colin Trevorrow asked Johnson for a similar favor. Click through to find out more.

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In a discussion with CinemaBlend, Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow talked about the process of creating the next chapter in the Star Wars saga without Carrie Fisher. Although Trevorrow’s comments weren’t particularly revealing, he did admit that his options are limited because there are only certain things they are willing to do. Lucasfilm already ruled out using a CGI recreation to continue Leia’s story without Carrie Fisher, which is a wise choice. How the creative team will honor Carrie Fisher and handle Leia’s story is what I am the most anxious about heading into The Last Jedi and Episode IX. What do you think? Click through to read the full quote from Trevorrow.

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